|11|We Are

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We are but tiny particles

Floating through infinite space

Of this estoric universe,

Attempting to make our place.

We are but mere travellers

On this journey of life,

Discovering the unknown;

Exploring, while we're alive.

We are but fellow artists

Making music from the heart,

Each stroke with a hue distinct;

Each aiming to play a part.

We are but passionate poets

Playing with words at random

Rhyming empty, trivial phrases

Enkindling our poetry in tandem.

We are but hopeful dreamers

Lost in a world of yearning,

Maybe the reason we're all the same

Is that to one place we're all returning.


Here's a poem for you....after an infinity! I'm sorry but I had exams so....

Anyway, I hope to write more since I'm on holiday right now and I also hope my ever stagnant reads are going to get going ^_^ (Na...not complaining. Just stating facts!)

Poetry requests are open.

Until next time,

Love always,


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