|9|Dear 'Me' in the Future

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Dear 'Me' in the Future,
Now that you're reading this letter,
I take it you're not so high in life.
So take a close look and chuck away that book
For what's more important is to beat this strife.

Dear 'Me' in the Future,
I'm fifteen and writing this letter,
For I knew a day like yours would come.
When tears trickled down and your smile turned to a frown
When only songs of sadness you would hum.

Dear 'Me' in the Future,
I'm here writing this letter
With a lot going on in my mind.
So you may feel trapped, your head trouble-capped,
But let me now to your past rewind.

"When you were five, you went to the sea,
You said it was huge just like your life-to-be;
When you were ten, you looked at the sky,
You said in that blue you wanted to fly.
When you were twelve, you looked at the stars,
You said that's how you shine and set bars."

And now you're probably in your thirties,
All grown-up and mind full of worries,
But you dreamt all those dreams,
You silenced all those screams,
Don't forget who you are and remember you're better,
Don't give up those dreams, oh dear 'Me' in the Future.


A bit childish, eh?😅 I wrote this 2 years back for a contest. Hope you liked it. Let me know below😊
Have a great day!

Poetry requests are open.

Until next time,

Love always,


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