29: That Time Of The Month

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No one's POV:

For the whole day, the countries had been trying to take you out of your room, failing. They were worried since you hadn't even eaten anything.

You were laying on your bed, trying to forget the pain in your stomach.

You turned around, trying to get a comfortable position. You had already taken some painkillers but they didn't help at all. You sighed in annoyance and massaged your stomatch, trying to do even something that would ease the pain. You were kinda hungry, but even a thought of food made you feel like vomiting right now.

Three knocks was heard on your door and you didn't respond. Few minutes later the door flew open and you could see the always oh so happy American, and honestly he was the least person you wanted to see now.

"What's up dudette? Why are you still he-?" He started but as he saw how bad you looked his happy mood changed into the worried one.

"Hey, are you okay?? Are you sick??" He asked, slightly panicking tone in his voice.

You rolled your eyes, irritated and muttered something as a response like: "That's what you could call it too.."

He gasped.

"So you're sick! But why?! How?! Is your country doing okay!? That's not supposed to happen!" He yelled, gaining some other countries' attention too.

"Ve~ Is bella sick??" Italy asked as he slightly furrowed his eyebrows.

"What's wrong with frau?" Asked Prussia as walked in the room.

"What?! (C/N) is sick? Does she have a fever?" England asked as he quickly made his way next to you and put his hand on your forehead.

As the more countries walked in, you started to become more and more irritated second by second. Somehow there was already a hamburger on your head and a plate of pasta on your stomach and you weren't even sure when did they get there.

Just as you were about to yell.. something to them the now closed door flew open.. again and revealed Hungary, France and Belarus. Though Belarus seemed like she didn't want to be there, which isn't a suprise since you guys aren't in the best terms anyways.

What a weird trio.

"Back off! The (C/N)'s protection squad is here!" Hungary yelled gaining everyone's attention, though mostly everyone was already staring at them.

"What? How are you gonna heal her? Especially with that wanker?" England asked pointing at France.

"This 'wanker' knows what's up with her" France responded mockingly and almost everyone's jaws opened.

"What?! What is it?!" Almost everyone yelled.

Gosh they all are so innocent.

"Ssh! Don't yell it will just irritate her!" Hungary whisper yelled, trying calm everyone down from panicking.

"You don't want to see this woman angry right now" Belarus just randomly added.

Few countries nodded and the weird trio.. or how they said it: '(C/N)'s protection squad' made its way to you as other countries backed away a little so they could have some space.

Next thing you knew was the pack of pads flying on your bed and as you looked up you noticed that Belarus had thrown them with an emotioneless face.

You blushed a little though there wasn't even anything to be embarassed about.

Few countries gasped in the room, now realizing why your stomatch hurt and blushed a little at how stupid they were.

"We brought you some chocolate, ma chérie~" France infromed and you quickly got up, sitting, forgetting the pain for a second.

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