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I'm putting this story on hold.

Haha lol jk nope, but now i got your attention, right?

Okay so remember how in last update i mentioned that this book will end soon? It's true, but now i have something to ask. Do you want sequel or endings?

Let me explain. If i write a sequel, it will naturally take some time and i would have to do some other projects too. BUT i have the plot already and i know what i will write and i will update it everytime i can, but understand that it will take some time. (Ps, if you want the sequel i will maybe turn this into triology)

If i write the endings in the end of this book, then i will write few more chapters before the epilogue than i have now planned to write.

BUT because i couldn't decide i will ask you. What do you want? Sequel or Endings? Please don't just ignore this and comment your opinion. I need it.

Btw i will try to write a new chapter on this week!

Edit: You have time to vote 'till next sunday (9.9.2018)

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