32: Movie Night

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No one's POV:

"Nein!!" The stubborn German said.

"Pleaseee!" You pleaded.

"NeIN!!" Germany replied.

"Come oonnn! Pleaseee!" You pleaded more.

"NEIN!!" The German answered and you frowned.

"Japan said that you did it for him.." You told and made an extremly cute puppy eyes that no one could resist.

Long silence.

Germany sighed.

"Ugh.. fine.."

He cleared up his troath and took a deep breath.

"SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR SIND DIE JÄGER!!" He sang/shouted and you laughed.

"Do it again! Do it again!" You told and Germany rolled his eyes.

"How are we even friends?" He asked himself and just right then America bursted in the living room, where you and few of the other countries were right now.

"Hey dudes!! We should totally watch movie tonight!!" He announced and Japan looked at him.

"Like a movie night? Sounds nice.." Japan said and you smiled.

"Sounds awesome! I'm on it!" You told.

"Did someone say awesome?" Asked Prussia who appeared out of nowhere.

"Prussia! Do you wanna have a movie night with us??" America asked and Prussia smiled widely.

"Only if we watch an horror movie!" He told and England walked in the room.

"Horror movie? If we watch something we won't watch anything American" He stated and America rolled his eyes.

"C'mon Iggy! My movies are the best!" America said and England just grunted and walked to the couch, sitting on it.

"I think that i should go get the others?" You asked as America looked at you.

"Oh! That's a good idea!" America told as he ran to the couch, jumped on it, made himself comfortable and opened netflix.

You rolled your eyes as you went to get the others.


As you entered back in the living room, with a group of the countries behind you, following you like puppies, you spotted America, Japan, England and Prussia watching some kind of antiques roadshow.

China walked from behind you and looked at the television, a flash of recognizing in his eyes as he recognized the object they were looking at in the tv.

"Wait shit that was mine! How did those fuckers get that??" He asked and you bursted out laughing, walking to the couch and sitting on it, right next to Prussia. Canada sat on the other side of you, as the end of the countries found a place to sit for them.

"So were we supposed to watch a movie or something??" Romano asked, irritated.

"Veh~ What are we going to watch??" Italy asked, excited.

"Maybe.. an horror movie?" Russia suggested.

"Or hey dudes! I haven't seen The Infinity War yet, and i totally want to see it!!" America exclaimed and you chuckled.

"Is there any other suggestions?" England asked and as there was a silence he nodded.

"What if we use democracy?" He suggested and America nodded excitedly.

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