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The annoying droning of my alarm clock roused me from my sleep. My eyes cracked open, trying to adjust to the sun shining in my room. I smiled as I sat up and did a satisfying stretch; my school was out for the summer!

I was able to take my time getting ready for the day for the first time in nine months. I sauntered into my bathroom and turned on the shower faucet. In the shower, I just relaxed and enjoyed it. My strawberry shampoo and conditioner smelled better than ever before, and I let the conditioner sit in my hair. I made sure that I was squeaky clean before I got out. My towel felt like a warm fluffy cloud, that's how happy I was. Finally, I had my hair blow-dried and my purple long sleeve top with a simple pair of blue jeans on.

I could smell the simple breakfast my dad made from up in my room. My stomach growled at me to follow the scent. Eager to comply, I ran down the stairs, surprisingly graceful. There, I saw my dad plating scrambled eggs and buttered toast for me. He set it down on the table with his plate, and we both took a seat.

"Do you have any plans today?" My dad, Spencer, asked, looking at me while taking a bite.

"If you include laying outside and reading plans, then, yes, I have plans," I joked before taking a bite of my food.

"Evy, those aren't plans, that's just sad," my dad smirked at me, his greying mustache twitching above his lip.

"Dad, it's the first day of summer. All I want to do is relax for a day or two. Is that so much to ask?" My dad just shook his head and placed his empty dish in the sink.

"I'm probably going to be late tonight. Charlie wants to have me over for the game," Dad said, kissing me on the forehead.

"That's fine. I'll be okay here for a while. I love you. Stay safe," I called as Dad opened the front door.

"I will. Love you too." With that, I was alone.

Making good on my summer plans, I ran upstairs, grabbed a random book off my bookshelf, and a blanket then ran out to the back yard. It turns out that I grabbed the fourth Harry Potter book, my favorite. Laying down under the sun, that was surprisingly shining very bright for Forks, I settled in for a relaxing morning.

What started as a dull, easily ignorable ache, progressed into an all-out agonizing pain throughout my entire body. It got to the point where the pain blinded me. I tried to make my way back in the house but ended up stumbling to the woods. By then, I was rolling on the floor in agony. Pain pulsated through my body in wave after wave. I think I was screaming, but I couldn't even hear myself over the blood rushing in my ears. Then, it all abruptly came to a screeching halt.

I was left panting, and it took me some time to gain clarity, but I eventually got up. Only, I didn't just have two legs; I had four. So, in my extremely logical state of mind, I ran. I ran because I thought that that was the right thing to do, given the situation. I didn't want anyone to see me, and I panicked. And, in my panic, I screamed, or what was the equivalent of a scream.

I somehow felt their presence before I heard them. It was like a ripple in the air that came from seven places.

Who are you?

I tripped from the surprise that overcame me.

What's happening? I thought.

You're a Tiger. But you're a girl? Asher, do you know what's going on? Another man's voice said.

No, not definitely, but I have an idea. Before I confirm it though, I would like for you, I knew that this other new voice was addressing me, to tell us your location so we can find you. Do you know where you are?

I looked around and recognized the trail behind my house. Um, I'm in the woods behind my house. Not too far in, I don't think. I live at 237 River St in Forks, Washington. Is that enough?

Yeah, we'll be there very shortly. Hang tight, and try to relax as much as possible. I know that it's scary, but everything will get explained. With that, all seven presences left, and I was alone in my mind again.

I stayed lying down and focused on keeping calm while I waited. I had many questions that I wanted answers to, but I had to be patient. I thought of calming thoughts, a brook trickling along a beautiful meadow, a weeping willow glistening with dew when the sun rises, and a gentle breeze swaying my hair as sat and just was. I was about asleep when I heard them.

I think that the people were trying to be loud because they seemed to be stepping on every single branch and stomping as much as possible. They all smelled strangely good. There was an array of almost fruity scents that I could pick up on.

"Hello, female Tiger. Where are you?" This light, young voice that I recognized as the first one to talk in my head called out.

Figuring I should give them some sort of signal, I growled softly. I heard the unknown people stop and change directions running toward me. One by one, seven teenage boys around my age, some a little older, came into my small area. They each had their own identifying characteristics, but they were all the same as well. All of the boys were built the same: tall, lithe bodies with muscles rippling under the skin, and a lighter tan skin color. They all came to a sudden halt when they caught sight of me.

"Asher, is that who I think it is?" The boy with the light voice I recognized spoke up. I was able to see he had dark brown eyes and black as night hair. He was looking at the oldest boy who was standing in the middle of the group. This Asher, I saw, had light green eyes and chestnut hair.

"Yes, Liam, yes, she is." I was getting angry because they seemed to be talking in code. Did they not remember that I had no idea what was going on? Without realizing it, I started to let out a deep, menacing growl. All the boys in unison flinched and dropped their eyes to the ground.

Asher took a deep breath and started talking. "Aggwan, I know that this is scary, but everything is going to be okay. You just need to shift back. Just think about your human body, and you will change."

That didn't seem too hard. I closed my eyes and thought about my human self. My long, oak brown hair, big, doe brown eyes, and relatively tall, slim figure. And, sure enough, when I opened my eyes, I was standing on two feet again.

"Now, tell me what's going on right now!" I don't know where I got the confidence from, but Asher was quick to reply.

"You're a Tiger shifter, Aggwan. You are part of a rare species of shifters. We," he gestured to himself and the rest of the boys, "are the other Tiger shifters. We are the only ones in the world. You are the Aggwan. Thousands of years ago, the First Shifter foretold that there would be a female who could turn into a White Tiger and would become the Alpha of all creatures, human and supernatural alike. We have been waiting for you to shift. There has been chaos in the Supernatural world. You have to regain order, or else there is the risk of humans finding out. We will help you, though. We are your Pride, here to help you directly. I understand that you are new and untrained and that this is a lot to take in, but we will help you through this transition, Aggwan."

Somehow, my new Tiger brain was able to process what Asher had said and keep my thoughts going a mile a second. I was supposed to be this significant Alpha that was going to restore peace, but I was just a sixteen-year-old girl who just found out about this stuff. How was I supposed to do this? But, as I looked around the clearing at the seven boys, who I still needed to get the names of, I realized that my entire life, I knew that I was meant for something more. That the mundane routine that I went through every single day wasn't what I was intended for. I could do this if I set my mind to it. I had this Pride, who I'd never met before here and ready to help me with anything that I needed. I wanted to help the world somehow, and this was a great way of doing it. It wouldn't be easy; there were sure to be many bumps along the way, but what journey doesn't have them.

"I can't promise that I'm going to be a good leader, and I'll need help every step of the way, but I will try. Just as long as you guys help me." I smiled as they all looked up at me. Seven pairs of eyes were staring at me with determination and loyalty. I knew that I could count on these boys for anything.

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