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"Evy, you look stressed.  What's wrong?" My dad asked when I walked down for breakfast.

I sighed.  What I wanted to say was that I was freaking out over what had happened at the ballet studio in Pheonix.  I wanted to cry about how I had almost lost Miles, my chill, go with the flow pride mate, to a sadistic vampire that was trying to hunt Bella, my dad's best friend's daughter.  I wanted to rant and rave over why there were cruel people in the world.  I wanted to be able to talk to my dad about everything that happened in my secret life.  But that might possibly give him a heart attack.

Instead, I just smiled and said, "I didn't sleep well.  I had a nightmare."

"Awe, that sucks.  What was it about?"

"Vampires, believe it or not."  I let out a small laugh.

My dad chuckled as well.  "It's because of all those fantasy books you read."

After breakfast, my dad went to work and I headed over to the pride house.  I was counting down the days till I could officially move in with my boys.  I loved my dad and would miss not seeing him dearly, but he would be much safer with me not living under the same roof as him.  There would be very little chance of him getting in the crossfire if something dangerous happened.

When I walked into the house, I was met with the sight of Miles and Luke rough housing.  The same Miles who was on the brink of death just two nights before from getting thrown into a tree just right that his back broke almost in two.  "Miles, what are you doing up?"

Both boys froze immediately right where they were.  Luke was squatting down holding Miles' foot up and Miles was laying on his back pulling on Luke's hair.  The sight would have been funny had I not been upset.

"I tried to tell him to stop, but you're the only one he listens to."  Asher's rumbly voice approached from behind me.  He stepped up to my right and took a sip of his steaming cup of coffee.

"If you don't get your butt laying on the couch right now, when you are completely healed, I will have you run patrol until you drop from exhaustion.  I'm sure Sam and Jared would like a break."  Miles immediately shoved Luke away and dropped onto the couch.  

I huffed and walked into the kitchen to get a snack.  I knew that Miles was probably already fine, what with our fast healing and all, but I still worried about him, just like I do with all of my boys.  I thought that Luke was calling me to tell me that Miles was dead when I heard him crying on the other end.  Luke, who was usually calm and composed, was panicking.  James was lucky that he was already dead because I would have caused him an eternity of pain and suffering if Miles was killed.  Jeez, these boys are going to give me grey hairs, I thought.

"Are you going to be going to prom?" Asher asked.

I continued to munch on my chocolate chip muffin and stare out the window above the sink as I pondered the question.  I saw a butterfly flutter by and a rabbit scurry into a bush.  I knew that Edward had convinced Bella to go with him and that Alice had picked out the perfect dress for her.  I knew that Bella was going to be uncomfortable the whole time, but she loved Edward and was going for him.  I did not have anyone to go with.  Any of my boys would have taken me if I had asked, and Asher had even offered himself, but I really wanted to spend the weekend relaxing.

"No."  I didn't have to look at Asher to know that he was staring at me.


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