The Pack and The Cullens

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We took the discussion back to my house after that. It was a comfortable place that we could chat, and we wouldn't have to worry about hikers. The living room was a bit cramped, but we all fit.

"Please, introduce yourselves." I glanced around at all of the boys sitting around me.

"Well, as you know, I'm Asher. I'm 18, and I shifted five years ago. I was the first one and have been the stand-in Alpha while we waited for you." Asher kept his introduction brief for the other boys to go.

The next boy to speak up was the light voiced one. "I'm Liam. I was second to shift four and a half years ago." I could tell that this boy would be the jokester of the group. He had the fun and care-free aura around him. His smile, I knew, would be one to put me at ease.

"My name is Ethan," the quieter boy next to Liam spoke softly. He had light brown eyes and hair that looked like milk chocolate. He had a vibe that he was calm, cool, and collected. I smiled at him. "I shifted three years ago."

"I'm Luke. Shifted just after Ethan." This boy had shiny black hair, green-blue eyes that looked like the ocean, and screamed machoism. He was definitely the type who would scare others by just walking up to them. Me, on the other hand, he didn't scare. I could tell that he was just a softy at heart.

The next one to speak up was a boy with blonde hair and hazel eyes, the ones the change color depending on the lighting. "Hi, I'm Miles. I shifted a couple of years ago." He reminded me of the typical surfer. He had a very laid back vibe and seemed to be the one to go with the flow.

"I'm Noah," the boy with sky blue eyes and dirty blonde hair said.

"And I'm Jackson," the red-haired, green-eyed boy smiled right after.

"We're twins, fraternal obviously," Noah explained.

"We were the last to shift a year ago," Jackson said.

I could tell that the twins were close. They reminded me of Fred and George in Harry Potter. I hoped that they wouldn't be exactly like the two mischievous red-heads, though.

"Well, hi, everyone, I'm Evangeline Jameson, but call me that, and you will be hurt severely. Call me Evy. Now, I want to know what you meant when you said that there was chaos in the Supernatural world. Are there other beings here in Forks?" I tilted my head slightly.

"Yeah, there's a coven of vampires in town. And, from what we can tell, there's going to be the next generation of wolf shifters on the reservation. Have you heard of the Cullens? They just moved into the area," Asher asked.

Of course, I knew the Cullens. They were the talk of the town. The new family with Dr. Cullen, Mrs. Cullen, and their five adopted children. Apparently, Mrs. Cullen wasn't able to have children, so they fostered instead. They were all very pale and stunning. They all held an air of grace that no one could explain. "Yeah, I know them. The kids just started school here. You're saying that they're vampires. Like the 'I want to suck your blood,' Dracula vampires?" I asked in wonder.

"The Cullens don't drink human blood. They only drink from animals. They don't actually know that we exist. We have been keeping ourselves hidden until you arrived. We are going to have to tell them soon. With the wolves about to start shifting, someone is bound to figure us out." Ethan's calm voice interjected.

"And that means that we're going to need to set up a meeting with them." I sighed. This was a lot to take in. I needed to let off some steam. I would also like to test out my Tiger form. Suddenly, an idea came to mind. "We can wait to set up a meeting. First, we should all go on a run. I would like to get comfortable in my new form."

The boys all looked excited at the suggestion. Even tough and gruff, Luke was smiling in excitement. Laughing at their reactions, we all ran out the back door. Once we hit the woods, each boy shifted. Immediately I could tell who was who. Their hair color and eye color stayed the same in their animal form. I closed my eyes and thought about shifting. To my surprise, this time was effortless and painless. My eyes opened to everything being perfectly clear. The boys were waiting for me to take off, and I didn't hesitate.

Even at my extreme speeds, I was able to see all the little details of the forest. There were ants on a tree, a squirrel in its nest, and a spider spinning its web. The sun shone through the open areas of the leaves above. The scents of the forest combined into a beautiful aroma. I was at peace with the wood and just enjoying my time running. I felt powerful, like I could do anything. The boys followed behind me, and I could hear their happy thoughts in my head.

Boys, where are we? I asked when we stopped.

We're close to the Canadian border. I was shocked by Asher's answer. We had only been running for five minutes.

The sound of fast-paced running broke me out of my stupor. The scent of flowers invaded my nose, and a growl involuntarily made its way up my throat. My new Tiger instincts were telling me that these new creatures were a threat to the boys and me.

Evy, calm down. I had hoped to wait for a little for this meeting, but it looks like a little is now. These are the Cullens. They aren't going to hurt us. Ethan spoke clearly and smoothly to get me to listen.

The seven Cullens stopped a respectable distance away from my Pride of eight giant Tigers. I could tell who was who because I had either seen them at school or knew from talk around town. I could see Carlisle's eyes light up with what I thought was recognition.

"You guys see the giant cats, too, right?" Emmett looked at us in confusion and wonder.

"Emmett," Rosalie slapped his shoulder.

Each of the Cullens had a different flower smell. I couldn't accurately pinpoint who had which smell, but it was like I had stepped into a flower garden.

"Hello, I'm Carlisle Cullen. This is my family. We mean you no harm. Could you please shift back so we can talk?" The way Carlisle spoke reminded me of Ethan. It was calm and collected, showing that he meant no harm.

What should I do? I asked. This was new to me, and I had no idea what to do. I really wanted to get a sense of my new self before starting on the whole Aggwan thing.

What are your instincts telling you? When in doubt, Evy, follow your gut. Asher sounded like he knew from experience, which I guess was true, seeing as how he was the first of our kind to shift and had to figure everything out for himself.

Asher, shift with me. The rest of you stay put unless otherwise needed, please. I took a deep breath and shifted to human form along with Asher.

"Hello, I'm Evangeline Jameson, but call me Evy. This is Asher." I gestured over to Asher, who was standing slightly to my right.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you wouldn't happen to be the Aggwan, would you?" Carlisle was asking out of pure curiosity, I could hear in his voice. There wasn't any malice or malintent.

"Yes, I am. But, I just shifted today, so I'm still figuring everything out." I smiled.

"Well, it is an honor to be in your presence. I have heard the legend. I didn't think that I would be allowed to meet you in person. However, given the supernatural beings in the area, I'm not surprised that you are from here." Carlisle also smiled.

"You go to school with us, don't you?" Rosalie spoke up.

"Yes, I have seen you around. I didn't know what you were until now. Like I said before, I'm new at this, but Asher informed me that there was quote-unquote chaos in the supernatural world that I needed to be prepared for. Do you know anything about that?" I wondered. Any and all information that I could get to help me better prepare would be exceedingly helpful.

"There have been nomads passing through lately. They stop in Seattle to get their meals. People are starting to become suspicious of the missing persons. Its nothing that isn't too bad, though. We'll be here to help." Carlisle reassured.

"That would be wonderful. I'm glad that we were able to meet. I can tell that we'll be working alongside each other in the future. If you'll excuse me, I have to get home before my father does. Have a nice night." I smiled one last time before shifting and taking off with everyone behind me.

Great job, Evy, Miles's voice sounded in my head.

I could hear my heart pounding in my ears from my nerves calming down. I sighed from relief. The meeting was over, and it went well.

Vampires down, now we need to set up the meeting with the Cheif on the reservation, Liam joked.

I rolled my eyes in fondness.

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