Rash Decisions

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Instead of us going to Bella's birthday, my boys and I went running with the wolves.  It's not that we didn't want to go to her birthday, we just wanted to spend some time with our wolf counterparts.  We had a great time just messing around and not worrying about anything for a few hours.  Even though my pride and I can't communicate with the wolves when we're shifted, we were able to give in to our animal instincts for a little and read the signs of the others.  It's fascinating to me how, even though we are literally cats and dogs, we can read the slightest shift in each other.  A simple twitch of the ear or tail speaks a thousand words.  Different growls, barks, or yips and chirps mean different things.  Sam and Jared were able to let go and just be the young men that they are.  It felt like, just for a little bit, I was the 16-year-old girl that I am forever frozen at.  And, I definitely know that my boys had a blast rolling around and just playing.  Unfortunately, that all came to an abrupt end.

The wind had shifted and I could smell the almost overbearing sunflower scent I've come to associate Carlisle with.  He was nearby on the other side of the treaty line from where the wolves and my pride were at.  Instantly, I stiffened and I knew that my ears were up listening.  The others picked up on my change and were listening as well.  I ran to where the treaty line was, and, sure enough, Carlisle was standing there.  He had a solemn look on his face and I could tell that something had happened.  I shifted back and walked up to talk with the vampire patriarch.

"What is it, Carlisle?" I didn't beat around the bush with formalities.  I could hear the others gathering around me.  Asher came up right beside me.

"We are leaving.  There was an incident this evening.  No one was seriously hurt, but Edward thinks that we are putting Bella in danger by staying around.  We are respecting his wishes by going away for a while."  I could tell that Carlisle was severely disappointed by this choice.

Edward was making a quick decision.  He knew that there would be dangers with his and Bella's relationship, but now that something bad had happened, instead of facing it head-on, he was running away.  I get that he doesn't want to put the human girl in harm's way, but he has to realize now that danger seems to follow Bella wherever she goes.  Leaving isn't going to solve anything.  It'll only make it worse.  I told Carlisle as such, and he only said that they had to respect Edward's choice.

The infuriating conversation was cut off by a loud howl that resonated through the woods, especially to the wolves and my pride.  We all knew that meant another young boy had shifted and was panicked.  I turned to Carlisle who was already looking at me with knowing eyes.  "We will keep in contact with you as much as possible."

I simply nodded at his words and took off toward the new wolf.  I let Sam have the lead due to him being the wolves' alpha.  I would only step in if he needed the help.  I knew, though, that he would have a handle on the situation.

We all ran to a small clearing in the woods on the reservation where the wolf was.  This was most likely Paul Lahote, a teenager the elders and pack have been keeping an eye on due to the fact that he was showing signs of shifting.  I could see that he was a mix of greys with black accents in his fur.  He was fairly large, though not as large as Sam.  My pride and I stayed back in the trees hidden as Sam and Jared crept forward to not pose any threat.  Sam had gotten Paul's attention and helped to calm him down.  I turned away respectfully when Paul shifted back so I did not see him without clothes.  Then, I heard Sam call my name.

Alright, boys.  Let's go, I said

We slowly emerged from the tree line and Paul looked shocked.  I was used to this reaction by now.  I just nodded my head in greeting.

"Paul, this is the Aggwan.  Her name is Evy.  And this is her pride.  They are the only Tiger shifters.  The elders will be able to explain in full detail the significance of the Aggwan later.  Right now, let's just get you back home so that you can have a chance to take this all in."  Sam's voice was stern but not unkind.

As the wolves were starting to leave, the wind shifted slightly and I caught the very familiar scent of Bella.  At the same time, the phone in Sam's pocket started ringing.  It was Billy's voice on the other end saying that Bella was in the woods somewhere and they needed his help.  I looked at Sam and looked toward where I caught Bella's scent.  Knowing what I was trying to say, Sam hung up with Billy and looked toward Jared and Paul.

"Go home, guys.  Tomorrow, meet at my house and we can go over everything."  Then he looked at me, "Lead the way."

Go home as well boys, I instructed.  I will be there soon.  Be careful.

With that I led Sam to where Bella was.  It was dark, and I knew that the temperature was cold, though it wasn't affecting me.  I knew that the damp air wasn't going to help Bella getting sick from being in the cold.  When we found her, she was laying on the damp ground in a little hole between two moss-covered fallen trees.  She was mumbling incoherently to herself.  I didn't know what was wrong with her, or what happened, but I could smell the stale lavender scent of Edward in the area.

"Go home, Evy.  I can take her back to her dad."  I looked at Sam and dipped my head a little causing my fur to bounce slightly.  

Sam walked over to Bella as I started to head toward the pride house when I heard Bella say, "Come back, Edward."

What did he do now? I thought.

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