Chapter 4

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Dr. Flug's POV:
"Finally." I said softly to myself. I held the finished blueprints in my hand, I was beaming with pride. I left my seat to go show Black Hat the blueprints. I bursted our my door running to his room. I slowed down as I reached his door. I knocked three times before I heard a loud snore. I gasped. What time is it? I looked at the large grandfather clock in the hallway. I had spent so many days working on this I completely lost track of what time it is! I panicked and ran back to my room. I set the blueprints down with one thought. Now what? I was always busy with planning and making my inventions I never have any extra time. Normally I have to show my blueprints to Black Hat for his permission to continue. I sat in my chair and spun around trying to think about what to do. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard my stomach grumble. I haven't eating in a while. I was a very skinny person, mostly due to the fact I rarely eat. I walk out to make myself a sandwich. As I make it I hear a deep cough. I turn around and see light shinning out from underneath Black Hat's door. I can't believe he's up this early... I decide now would be a good time to show him the blueprint for my Morph Gun.
Black Hat's POV:
I sat at my desk still in my sleepwear drawing a small man. I was snapped out of my train of thought after hearing a small knock. "Who is it?!" I snapped. "I-I-It's Dr. F-Flug sir. I have the blueprints for my next device complete." He stood outside the door nervous. "Well, come in! Don't just stand outside the door!" "S-sorry sir!" He said quickly as he walked inside. He stood in front of my desk with the blueprints h see his arm. He stared at me with a nervous expression. I looked up at him, He's kinda cute... wait... WHAT!? "S-sir?" The scientist asked as he saw his boss zone out. "W-What!?" The scientist helped I'm surprised and dropped the blueprints. "Ugh." "S-sorry sir!" He replies as he picked it back up. He set the blueprints across my desk and explained to me how everything worked. I didn't hear a word he said all I could focus on was how excited he was. There was a big smile... maybe? Across his face. I couldn't tell. After he finished explaining he asked me if he could work on the device. I allowed his and he giggled with joy and ran out of my room.
460 Words
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