Project Double

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"Excuse me?" Nat asked, trying to sound surprised or put out, but secretly being relieved. She was exactly where she wanted to be. Now all she had to do was play her cards right.

"That's right." Phillips said nodding. "You read the file. You know that Project America has two parts: Project Rebirth and Project Double. Project Rebirth is for the creation of male super soldiers to fight the battle in the open. Project Double, however, is the more delicate one."

"Project Double is taking gifted women and turning them into super spies." Nat summed up for him. She'd read the file and had immediately latched on to that one aspect. "It uses the same serum as Project Rebirth, but it's theorized that in women, it won't create just physical appearances, but mental as well as being faster and stronger."

"You've done your research." Erskine said, looking her over. He liked what he found. Yes, he thought to himself. She would be an excellent one for Project Double.

Nat inclined her head slightly at him before turning to Phillips again. "Yes, Project Double is for women, but what makes you think I qualify?"

She was looking towards the general for an answer, but the answer came from Carter. "Because not only were you able to break into this building unnoticed for who knows how long, which in itself shows your natural tendency for spying, but you also are friends with a candidate for Project Rebirth, which will be a great asset in the field. Besides, you obviously want to be a part of the program." Carter eyed her for confirmation.

"You're right," Nat said. She didn't offer anything more, but instead waited for some comment from either the general or Erskine.

"And on top of everything else, you are the daughter of one of my top agents, who used to continually brag about the fact that he had taught his daughter everything he knew and that if she chose to, she could be a great danger or a great asset to our country." Phillips raised an eyebrow at her and she nodded.

"Yes, he taught me everything he knew, and I've taught myself some things as well. If I so chose, I could be a world class assassin. Or so people have told me."

"Then that's good enough for me." Phillips said, nodding. "Erskine?"

"I believe she could be a worthy candidate." Erskine replied, smiling kindly at Natasha. She gave him a half smile in return.

"Carter?" Phillips turned to her last. "Thoughts?"

Carter looked her over and nodded. "She'll be perfect."

Phillips turned back to Nat. "Looks like you're in."

Nat smiled. "Good. When do I head to base?"

"In a few days." Carter replied, stepping towards her as Erskine pulled Phillips aside to speak to.

"Perfect," Nat said. "That'll give Steve time to go and get settled before I leave. I'm assuming that someone will be able to keep our apartment together until . . . sometime."

Carter nodded. "Yes, we'll make sure of it. My name is Peggy, by the way. Peggy Carter."

Nat shook her proffered hand. "Nice to meet you Miss Carter."

"Please, just call me Peggy."

"All right then, Peggy. You can call me Natasha or Nat, whichever you're more comfortable with."

The two girls smiled at each other. "Somehow I have a feeling we're going to be good friends." Peggy said with a grin.

"Very good friends." Nat replied with a similar smile.

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