A Dance, A Confession

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"Come on, Steve!" Bucky called from outside his best friend's door. "We're gonna be late!"

"Hold your horses, James." Natasha said as she walked out of the Rogers' home, looking stunning in a dark blue dress. "You know Steve likes to try to make a good impression on girls."

Bucky eyed her. "Only try? He makes a fantastic impression on girls!"

Nat sighed. "Listen, James. This may come as a surprise to you, but Steve isn't good around girls. He's a bit awkward and isn't really stereotypical boy material. And doing double dates with him doesn't help."

Bucky rolled his eyes, though he could see her point. He and Steve were both barely twenty, but already the difference couldn't be more pronounced. Bucky was tall, dark, and strong, with a natural tendency to be somewhat of a flirt, but as steady of a friend as possible.

Steve, on the other hand, was small and blonde, and was more likely to be on the receiving end of a punch than the one giving it. On top of that, his health was really bad, and he was horribly awkward around girls, though was a determined man and no one could've asked for a better friend.

"Do you think this is a bad idea?" Bucky asked, wondering for the first time if this wasn't the best way to show people how great Steve was.

Nat just shrugged. "Too late now. Besides," Nat added thoughtfully. "That's what I'm coming along for. So that when both girls start mooning over you, Steve will have someone to walk him home and make sure he doesn't get in trouble."

"I thought you were just coming along to make faces at me and laugh." Bucky told her wryly, smiling as Nat laughed.

"Hey those are definite perks of the job!" Nat grinned at her long time friend. "But I also come so Steve always has someone to talk to. It's the least I can do for my brother." The two friends grinned at the reference. Since Natasha had moved in with the Rogers almost five years earlier, she had become an integral part of the family so that even after her mother got released, Nat had continued living with the Rogers. In fact, many people thought that her name was Natasha Rogers, instead of Romanoff.

"Are you two having a moment?" Steve asked as he came out of his apartment. He had moved out his parents place a few months prior, and, after a particularly nasty encounter with a bully a few weeks ago, Natasha had moved into his spare bedroom to make sure that he had backup wherever he went.

"Well if we had been, we're certainly not now!" Nat retorted, winking at Bucky.

Steve snickered before turning to Bucky. "All right, Buck. Let's go and get this over with."
Two hours and a few annoying conversations later found Natasha and Steve sitting at the counter of a bar while Bucky and his date danced and Steve's supposed date flirted with some guy Nat thought looked pretty shady.

"Well?" Steve asked, breaking the silence that had ensued after Nat had "accidentally" tripped Steve's date after a she had been rude to him.

"Well what?" Nat asked, bracing herself for the speech that was undoubtedly coming about kindness.

Steve set his glass down and fixed her with a "you know what I mean" look. "Well, how long have you been in love with Bucky?"

Natasha almost choked on her drink. "What?"

"You know very well what I mean!" Steve retorted. "You haven't taken your eyes off of him all night, and every time that girl leans into home a little, you look like you're about to murder her."

Nat shrugged. "Doesn't mean I lo- like him."

Steve rolled his eyes. "It's not just tonight either. I've seen the way you act around Bucky for almost our entire friendship. You act differently around him. You rely on him and yet still keep your distance to keep from getting hurt."

"Ugh," Nat muttered, resting her head in her hands. She peeked out at Steve. "Is it really that obvious?"

"No," he admitted. "You're pretty good at hiding it, but I've had more opportunity to watch you than most people, so I naturally know more."

Nat nodded. "I keep hoping that no one will notice, even though it becomes more obvious the more I'm around him."

"Which begs the question of why you haven't told him yet."

"Oh come on Steve! Even you can't be that naive!"

Steve raised an eyebrow. "Try me."

"It's just that... look at him. He's popular and he could have any girl he wanted. He's never looked at me like that. I'm one of his best friends and fellow bodyguard to you, but that's where it stops for him. I don't want to force myself on him. I keep hoping that he'll figure it out, but it's been over ten years since I fell in love with him and he still hasn't figured it out." Nat just sighed. "It's just hopeless." She finished.

Steve shook his head. "Nah. He'll figure it out sometime. Either that or I'll have to knock some sense into him."

Nat smiled at him. "Thanks Steve." She glanced over to where Bucky and his date were talking. "But since it's obviously not gonna happen tonight, what do you say we get out of here and go a movie? We should still be able to catch something."

Steve grinned. "Sounds great." He motioned towards Bucky. "Should we let him know?"

Nat glanced over at him. "Nah, he knows I'm with you and I'll keep you out of trouble."

"Ok then!" Steve said, getting up and motioning towards the door. "Shall we?"

"Yes," Natasha said, walking confidently out the door with her best friend. "We shall."

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