Respect on the Team

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Dum Dum charged Natasha, who simply stepped aside and let him run past, preparing herself for the next lunge. He came at her again, and she could already tell he was annoyed. This time she met him head on. He aimed a punch at her stomach, but she caught his fist and jerked him towards her, bringing her knee up as she did, kneeing him in the gut.

She released his arm as he went staggering backwards, making no attempt to follow while he was still trying to catch his breath. On the sidelines, Steve and Bucky made eye contact, both smirking at the trouble Dum Dum has just gotten himself into. They had both seen it a hundred times. When Natasha encountered someone she perceived as a threat, she would finish them off as quickly as possible while she was still fresh before they could use their strength against her. But when someone was cocky or ticked her off, they were in a bad place, because Natasha wasn't about to let them off the hook without a world of pain. And that was what they were witnessing now.

Natasha, unaware of her friends assessment of her, blocked a very badly thrown punch from Dum Dum and then punched him in the face, sending him reeling once more. This time, however, she went after him, kicking and punching him relentlessly, never giving him a moments relief. Finally, in a surprising act of mercy, she swept his legs out from under him and punched him once in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him, before backing off and looking at the others who were standing there.

"Oooo, can I vote her in twice?" Gabe asked, clearly impressed. The others were looking similarly impressed, even Monty, who hadn't been too sure at first, but was now glad he had voted yes and didn't have to face her.

"So?" Steve asked, helping Dum Dum to his feet. "Are you in or out?"

Natasha eyed Dum Dum nervously. Sometimes guys respected people who beat them, but others held grudges. She hoped that he wasn't the grudge kind.

But luck was in her favor that day as Dum Dum held out his hand saying, "Welcome to the team, Miss Romanoff."
That evening, after dinner, Steve took them over to the command building to go over the next days mission.

"No break days?" Natasha asked Bucky on the way over.

Bucky shook his head. "Not this week. Too much production going on in HYDRA right now to pause. It should be letting up within a week or two though so we'll have more time for personal stuff." As Bucky said this, he glanced at Natasha. Ever since he'd found out who she was, he'd been looking at her differently, but he couldn't place why. He'd have to talk to Steve about it later.

Natasha nodded, ignorant of the fact that her best friend was beginning to look at her differently. "Ok then," she said excitedly. Bucky looked at her, smiling.

"Why Miss Romanoff!" Bucky teased, acting shocked. "I do believe you're enjoying this!"

"I do believe I am, Mr. Barnes," Natasha teased back, staring for a moment too long in Bucky's light blue eyes. She looked away, embarrassed, but before either one could say anymore, Steve stuck his head out of the command building.

"Hey! You two coming?"

"Yeah," Bucky called, not tearing his gaze away from Natasha. "We're coming."

They both trotted to the building, grateful for the excuse not to discuss what they were feeling.

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