A New Member?

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"No!" That was the general reaction when Steve revealed Natasha's identity and the fact that she was going to be their newest member.

"We can't have a girl on the team!" Dum Dum Dugan proclaimed.

"Excuse me?" Peggy asked, crossing her arms and glaring.

"You know very well he doesn't mean you." Jim Morita retorted. "He means on the field."

"I don't see how she could possibly be an asset!" Frenchie Dernier added.

Bucky glared at all of them. "And yet if she hadn't been keeping a seeing eye out there today, I wouldn't be standing in front of you." Though Natasha hadn't known what to expect from Bucky, she had been pleasantly surprised to find that he was thrilled to see her and thrilled at the prospect of having her with the commandos.

"Yes, I think she did quite well out there." Gabe Jones added, sending her a thumbs up and a wink.

"I also disagree with having a lady on our team." Monty Falsworth added. "She's too likely to become injured and be of no use." He sent her an almost apologetic look which Natasha staunchly ignored.

"Wow, for being such an 'open' team you sure don't seem to have much faith in this young lady here." General Phillips commented. Everyone started as no one had even heard him come in. "Let me tell you something about this lady here. She is just as loyal as any one of you here; she fights like it's her last day on earth, and if there's still any doubt in your mind let me tell you this: she's the same as your captain."

Everyone looked puzzled at this, except for Bucky, who looked amazed and in awe. "You're a super soldier." He said smiling. "I knew there was something different about you."

Of course, after that comment, there was a long discussion about how and why it happened, ending with a vote.

"All right," Steve said, still looking a little shocked at the realization that not only was the girl who was practically his sister a super soldier, but had become so to make sure that he would have to chance to be a super soldier. "It's time to vote. Gabe?" He started with the one he knew would vote in Natasha's favor.

"I vote yes. We certainly aren't the cream of the crop; she can only add a little class." Gabe grinned at her and she smiled back.


"Why not? At least if she gets hit she'll heal faster than any of us."


Monty shrugged. "I feel like I'll be outvoted anyways so I might as well vote yes." This wasn't really a win, but it was better than a no.

"Bucky?" Steve already knew the answer but he figured he might as well ask.

"Oh I'm in. I've fought by Natasha's side since we were kids protecting you. It'll be just like old times." Bucky grinned at Natasha, who grinned back, enjoying their old camaraderie.

"Dum Dum?" Steve almost winced. This was the undecided one.

"I still think it's too risky." Dum Dum said with a sigh. "Not to be offensive, but she is a girl. How much could she know?" That last comment had both Bucky and Steve standing with a "fight me" stance, but Natasha pushed through them and stared at Dum Dum.

"So you think I cant fight? Why don't we step outside and see which one of us walks away." Natasha motioned outside. At this point, most men would have a flicker of worry, wondering if she really was that good. But not Dum Dum. Natasha almost sighed as she followed him outside.

As she prepared to begin the fight, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and found Bucky standing there with a half smile on his face. "Try not to hurt him too badly, Natasha."

"Ok," she replied, smiling. "I'll try."

"Also, he tends to get angry and frustrated quickly, he always leads with his left, and he has terrible defense." Bucky said in a rush.

She nodded thoughtfully, before giving her old friend a big smile. It wasn't normal for people to tell others weaknesses to their opponent, and Bucky knew she was better than anyone out there. But his concern was touching and made a warm feeling spread through her body. "Thanks James. I'll keep that in mind."

He smiled gratefully and gave her shoulder a quick squeeze. "Make sure you do. I don't want to not have you on the team." And then, with that rather confusing thought, he turned and joined the others on the sideline.

Natasha forced her attention back towards Dum Dum, resolving to think more on this later. "Are you ready?" She called to him.

"Absolutely," was his cocky reply. And the fight began.

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