Chapter 1

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Baylee sighed as she talked to her mom on the phone. It had been five years since she left the small town and she hadn't looked back.

"When are you coming home?" Her mother spoke.

Baylee rolled her eyes. Her family didn't understand why she left. "Maybe in a couple of weeks mom." She lied to her.

Mrs. Newman knew her daughter was lying. She heard this all before, mostly because they always had the same exact conversation. Beth Newman snorted. "I've heard that one before." She mumbled.

Baylee tried to cover up her annoyance. Jacob had been the son her parents never had. They blamed Baylee for Jacobs cheating. "I've been busy." Baylee tried to defend herself. "I'll make time in the next few weeks to come see you guys."

Beth snorted again. "I have heard that one too. "There was a long pause. "When are you going to stop running from your past?" Beth asked her daughter. "Five years of you avoiding Forks is long enough."

Not long enough. Baylee thought to herself. There was a slight knock on the door, that caused Baylee to smile widely. "Look mom I gotta go." She then hung up the phone before Beth could say anything else.

" She then hung up the phone before Beth could say anything else

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Baylee opened the door the revile her handsome boyfriend. Peter Andrews was the hottest bachelor in New York City. And he was all Baylee's. She smiled as Peter looked Baylee up and down, then kissed her passionately. "Man, I am a lucky man. You look absolutely beautiful."

After Jacob had cheated on her, Baylee thought that she would never be happy again. Let alone find love. Then Peter came into her life. They had been dating for just four years. Baylee wanted to take it slow. "How was work?" Baylee asked as she kissed her boyfriend hello. She loved Peter. But their was something different about the love that the two had for each other. Baylee still felt connected with the boy from the tribe she grew up in.

"Long. Tiring. I'm just glad that I get to spend the night with you." Peter said kissing Baylee again.

People thought they were crazy. Four years they had been together, and still not married. Peter hadn't even slept with Baylee yet. She wouldn't let him. Peter thought that it was because Baylee wanted to wait. And that was part of it. But Baylee didn't want a repeat of what happened with Jacob.

"Shall we go to dinner?" Peter asked as he took Baylee's arm and pulled her out the door.


Baylee laughed as she popped anoth sushi roll into her mouth. She couldn't be happier. Peter could easily support her in the future that they would build together. The young heart surgeon was just ten years older than Baylee, and he couldn't wait to be married to her. Baylee could quit her job and be what she always wanted. A mom. And she would be the best dang mom that ever walked the face of the planet. They never really talked about kids, or how many they wanted. Not like Jacob and Baylee did. Baylee assumed that they talked so much about kids, because a baby had caused the young couple to be married.

"Come on." Peter said standing up and pulling Baylee's chair away from the table. "I want to take you somewhere." He whispered seductively to his girlfriend.


Peter got down on one knee and looked into Baylee's big brown eyes

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Peter got down on one knee and looked into Baylee's big brown eyes. "Baylee." He paused for a long time. He didn't even know her middle name. That should have been flag number one for Baylee. But she was so set on forgetting her past, that she didn't even care. "Baylee Newman, will you marry me?"

Baylee smiled at the ring that Peter had stretched out for her. Jacob didn't even get her a ring. Instead he proposed with his class ring. "Yes of course." Baylee said happily. Peter gently slid the big beautiful ring onto his now fianceé finger. Peter than kissed her passionately, one hand tangled in her hair, another one roaming around freely, feeling wherever he liked.

Baylee knew she had just messed up.

Baylee cussed as she face planted into her pillow. It was well passed two in the morning, and she had kicked Peter out. What kind of person does that? Baylee thought to herself. I just got engaged. I should be celebrating, letting Peter spend the night for the first time. But insted I kicked him out. She cussed herslef in her head.

"Why am I so stupid!" She yelled and punched the pillow like she was a child again.

Peter had no idea about her past. He had no idea about the ex husband that wasn't really her ex husband because Jake was too damn stubborn to sign the papers.

Tears rolled down Baylee's face as she knew what she had to do. She had to go back to La Push after five years and demand that Jacob sign the divorce papers. She would have to face the man that crushed her heart, and her family that took his side.


I'm back!!

Ok. For y'all that wanted me to update our love, its not going to happen right now. Sorry, I just have writers block with that book do bad that I cant do it. So while I fight for inspiration on that book please enjoy this one.

Thanks for reading!

Love y'all

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