Chapter 16

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This is going to be a super short chapter.

"Why did you let her go?" Paul asked Jake sadly. Everyone in the pack was crushed knowing that Baylee had left.

"I had to." Jake whispered.

"Why did you let her go?" Paul asked again, tears were in his eyes this time as he said those few short words. "And I want a good explanation on why you let her go."

"Because I cant make her happy!" Jake yelled. "Shes with her rich fianceé that can provide things for her that I never could. He can make her happy."

"You are what makes her happy." Leah cut in.

Jake shook his head. "All I do is hurt her. I have never been able to do anything right."

"You still love her don't you." Sarah stated from the counter.

"Of course he does." Sam spoke up. "That's why he let her go."

Jake sighed and ran his finger through his had visously. "Baylee couldn't be happy here. There are to many things that have bad memories. That doctor is what's best for her. He can give Baylee everything she ever dreamed of having. All I have to offer is a small house."

"And your love."Emily cut in. "You can give Baylee your love."

"I have never seen a love like yours. Its stronger than any imprint bond I have ever seen." Sam said. "You are meant to be."

"Jake she loves you. Don't stop fighting for her." Sarah spoke. "Baylee belongs here with us. And with you."

"So I'm just supposed to show up in New York and hunt down Baylee because she the women of my dreams and I'm in love with her, then I'm supposed to bring her home."

Leah and Paul sighed. "Thats exactly what you are supppsed to do idiot." They said at the same time.

"Well I better get going. I have a plane to catch and a wedding to crash."

And with that Jake left to go get the girl of his dreams.

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