Chapter 4

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Baylee pulled up to the small house in La Push. It hadn't changed a bit in the five years that she had been gone.

Suddenly a lump formed in Baylee's throat. It had been five years since she had been here. Jacob very well could have kids with the lady he cheated on her with.

Baylee took the engament ring off her finger. She wasn't going to let Jacob know that she was engaged.

Baylee shouldered her bag, and walked up to the small house she used to share with her ex husband. Sighing as she knocked on the door, Baylee just hoped that this would be quick and easy.

A pale woman with long brown hair opened the door. This woman looked so fimilar to Baylee. "Who are you?" She spoke bitterly.

Baylee looked at this woman confused. "Is Jacob Black here?" She asked. The brown haired woman just glared at Baylee not moving or saying a thing. "Does he still live in La Push?" Baylee tried to see around into the house. "Does he still live in the area?"

The woman blocked the door so Baylee couldn't see into the small house. "Why do you need to know where Jacob is?" She asked.

Baylee rolled her eyes at the young looking girl. "I just need to speak to him. So if you could tell me where he is that would be great."

"Baylee?" A familiar voice spoke. The voice was deep. Baylee knew it was her soon to be ex husband. Pushing past the strange girl that was blocking her entrance, Baylee made her way into the house ahe used to share with Jacob. Jake stood in the living room, in just shorts. Showing off his six pack. Baylee had to avert her eyes. After all this time he still looked good.

"Hi honey." Baylee said with a small smirk. "I'm home."

Jacobs mouth dropped to the floor. After all these years she was here. And Baylee still looked good. "This is not your home." He mumbled looking at the floor. Jacob knew if he looked at her for another second, then he would probably kiss Baylee.

"Yeah it is." Baylee said folding her arms stubbornly. "Since my dear sweet husband has refused to sign the papers, we are still married. Which means that this is my home." Baylee said.

Jacob rolled his eyes. "Go home Baylee."

"Not until you sign the papers."

"No." Jacob said.

"Jake!" Baylee yelled. "You dumb stubborn stupid dog! The only reason that you won't sign these papers is because I want you too!" She yelled. "Just sign the damn papers!" Baylee then threw the small manilla envelope of her former lover.

"Maybe." Jacob said with a small smirk. "Or maybe I just like seeing you mad."

"You are such an ass. You know." Baylee said running her fingers through her hair. "Please. Sign. The. Papers."

"No." Jacob said. "Because you still have feelings for me."

Baylee snorted. "All feelings for you left when you brought that whore into our bed." Baylee said gesturing to the brunette behind her.

"Then why do you still have the ring I gave you?" Jacob asked referring to the class ring.

"That doesn't count." Baylee said. "It was your stupid class ring."

Jacob shook his head. "I still want it back."

Baylee smiled. "Well you aren't getting it back. I pawned it right after I left you." She lied, knowing that this would hurt Jacob.

"Excuse me." The brown haired woman spoke. "But who are you?" She asked.

"Ness, stay out of this." Jacob spoke warningly.

"I'm Baylee. Jacobs wife." She spoke not taking her eyes off of Jacob. "And you must the homewreaker. The woman that slept in my bed."

Ness gulped. She couldnt believe that someone would speak to her that way, or Jacob. "For the record I didn't know he was married." She said.

"Jake never told you." Baylee asked not surprised at all. "I'm guessing he never told you that I was pregnant as well."

Nessie gasped at the truth being reviled. Jacob growled at Baylee. "Its probably wasn't even my kid." He yelled. "Who knows, it could have been Paul's, Embrys, or even Quills. You slept around enough. Thats probably why the baby died."

Baylee reached over and slapped Jacob across the face. Hard enough that it left a small hand mark. Ness gasped. She couldn't believe what Baylee just did. "Don't say that to me ever again. You know that you were the only one I ever loved. You were the father of my baby." Baylee took a shaky breath. "And I feel guilty enough about losing our child. I don't need you to make me feel worse."

Jacob was in shock. He knew Baylee had a temper. But he had never been slapped by her. "Have you been home to see your family?" Jacob asked.

Baylee rolled her eyes. "Don't ask stupid questions and just sign the Papers." She spoke bitterly.

"Go home, and spend some time with your family."



"I'm not gonna do that Jake. Just sign the papers." Baylee said.

"I'm not going to do it until you spend time with your family." Jake said stubbornly. Baylee scowled at him. "No family time, then no divorce." He smirked.

"Those papers better be signed when I get back." Baylee growled as she headed for the door.

"That's a good wifey." Jacob said smacking Baylee's butt.

Baylee whirled around. "Don't touch me." He growled at him.

"We are still married." Jacob said using her words against her.

"Yeah. But I hate you." She said.

Jacob smirked as she closed the door. He knew that he had won this go round.

Baylee got into the car, and that's when she let the tears finally come. Gasping for air as she cried harder, Baylee wished that her life would have been different. Because she wasn't over Jake. And seeing him with the girl that he cheated on her with only proved that.

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