Chapter 13

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Baylee wrapped Jake in a tight hug. "Oh Jake." She whispered. "I'm so sorry." Baylee held back the tears. She had to be strong. "You should have stayed at the hospital. You shouldn't have come with me."

"Its ok." Jake whispered. "I always knew that this day would come. And even though it sucks, dad is happy. He is with mom and Harry." Jake wiped the tears coming down his face. "I'll be ok. And don't feel bad Bay. I wanted to come with you."

"The world lost a good man." Baylee smiled. "He raised a good son." Baylee felt so guilty for not making Jake stay with his dad. He never really got a proper goodbye. "I still should have forced you to stay at the hospital."

"Baylee stop." Jake said. "Don't feel guilty. Its not your fault." Jake told her.

This got Baylee to shut up, but it didn't change the way she felt.

A low growl erupted from Jake's chest, as he pushed Baylee behind him and stood protectivly in front of her. Jake looked around. "Baylee, get in the house." Jake said warningly.

"Why?" Baylee asked. Her hand was still entwined with Jake's.

"I smell a vampire." He growled. "And not just any vampire. Its the same bloodsucker that killed Spencer."

Baylee paused. She had been waiting for this day for years. The day where she could finally seek her revenge. But she was no longer a shape shifter. She would have to leave the revenge to the pack. Jake quickly pushed Baylee into the house. Never once did he take his eyes off of the tree line.

"I'm going to find the bloodsucker." Jacob growled. "I won't let it get away this time."

Baylee grabbed Jake and spun him around. "Please." She begged. "Don't go." She was worried for the safety of the man that she loved.

"Stay here. Don't leave the house." Jacob tells her. "I will be home soon." Jacob then lightly kisses her forehead. "I'm serious Bay. Don't leave the house."

With that. He was gone.

Baylee paced back a forth. She was so worried about Jake and the pack. She wanted nothing more than to be out there with them. To be finding the vampire that killed her brother.

"Jake where are you?" She whispered after two hours went by. Baylee didn't like the panic feeling that kept growing inside her.

Something was wrong.
Something was very wrong. And she knew it.

There was a slight bump on the porch. Baylee jumped up. "Jake?" She called as she raced towards the door. She couldn't wait to wrap him in a tight hug and hold him close to her. Just to make sure he was safe.

Only it wasn't Jake.

It was a vampire.


The pack walked back in silence. Jake couldn't believe it.

One of his best friends. Well his old best friend. They hardly ever talked anymore had Completly betrayed him.

He couldn't believe that it haf been her that killed Spencer. But it was made sense now. She would have been a newborn vampire when Spencer was killed.

Jake could never get over Bella's glowing red eyes as he tore into her skin and ended her life. Jake knew that Bella and Edward divorced after Bella had gone off the 'vegan' vampire diet. Their marriage had been failing for awhile, and soon Bella left Edward because she had found her true mate that taught her about human blood.

Bella was now a monster. But that didn't change the guilt that Jake felt. He had killed her. He told himself. But then he told himself that she deaervrd it. She had killed innocent people.

"Breath Jake." Sam said. "She got what she deserved." He told him.

Jake ignored him.

Suddenly Jake bolted. As did the pack. They had caught a scent of something strange. And something was wrong. Jake could feel it.

Jake looked at Sam. Panic in his eyes. "Baylee." Was all that came out of his mouth. And the pack knew right then. Something was wrong with Baylee.

The pack got to Jacobs house. Only to see the door ajar and off of the hinges. This worried all of them, cause they didn't know what to expect when they walked into the small house.

"Bay." Jake whispered. It was quite, but the pack could hear. "Please don't be dead in there."

Jake didn't know if he could handle it, if he lost both his dad and imprint with in 2 hours of each other.

They walked into the house, to find it a complete mess. It was obvious that Baylee put up a pretty good fight. The coffee table was turned over, a stool was smashed. Knives and other utinsels were scattered.

But there was no Baylee.

Running out the door, Jacob followed the scent of the girl he loved and the vampire. The vampire scent was so familiar, yet Jake couldn't figure out where it was, or who it belonged too.

Jake could make out the path that Baylee was forced down. It had obviously been a struggle to get the very stubborn girl to go with the vampire.

The pack was right behind Jake. He knee that, he didn't even need to look back to see if they were following him. And he knew that they would fight with him. If anything had happened to Baylee, then the pack would follow Jake to the end of the earth to make sure that his revenge was finished.

The smell of blood was strong. And Jake was sure that Baylee was either dead, or bleeding to death.

Jake ran around the corner to see Baylee. No vampire. Her clothes ripped up, and blood. Jake prayed that she wasnt in the middle of transformation. He ran to her side amd quickly looked over her. She seemed fine. He hoped she was fine.

"Oh Baylee." Jake lightly kissed her head. "I'm so sorry this happened."

Sam looked at the couple. "Lets get jer to Emily. We need to look over her."

Jake scooped his imprint into his arms. He wanted her to be safe. And he couldnt help but feel guilty that he didn't keep her safe.

"Is she going to die?" Leah asked through the tears. She couldn't loose her best friend.

"I don't know." Sam answers. "I honestly have no idea." He sighs angry that Jake had to go through this. That they all had to go through this. "Lets just hope that she doesn't have damage on the inside, and the damage is what we can see." Sam knew that is something was wrong with Baylee and her organs then there was nothing they could do. And she would probably die. "Call Sarah. She deserves to know what happened. And give Seth a head up. He needs to know about the vampires in the area."

The pack was so caught up with Baylee and what just happened. That they didn't catch the vampire watching them from the trees. Smiling as she watched Baylee slowly die.


Sorry It took so long to update. Writers block, then family stuff. But I'm back.

So what did you think? Bella is a blood sucker. A human blood sucker!

Who do you think attacked Baylee? Do you think I'm going to kill her off? Do you think this will help her come forward towards her feeling to Jake?

Comment what you think.

Love you guys!

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