Chapter 5

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Baylee knocked on the door of her childhood home. This was no longer her home. She felt no connection to it what so ever.

Beth Newman came to the door. She was shocked to see Baylee standing there.

"Hi mom." Baylee whispered to her.

"Mike!" Beth shouted to her husband. "Look who finally came home."

Baylee walked into the living room. Her father was sitting on the couch watching the football game. While her sister was on the couch reading pride and prejudice.

Sarah Newman looked nothing like the other Newman's. She had bright red hair, and green spritly eyes. The reason why she looked like this was because she was adopted.

"Oh Baylee. How are you?" He asked his daughter.

Baylee sighed. "Good. I'm good." Baylee looked over at her adopted little sister. "Sarah you have really grown." She stated.

"Yeah. I'm fifteen now." Sarah said not looking up from her book.

Baylee and Sarah never saw eye to eye. Being nine years apart wasn't the easiest. Both girls were completely different. Baylee smiled, trying so hard to reconnect with the little girl that she had left. "What's new? Doing any sports?" She asked.

Sarah scoffed. "Me? Sports? No." Sarah rolled her eyes. "Someone has to make our parents proud. Since Spencer and you couldn't."

Baylee glared at her sister. She was still a kid when Spencer died. She didn't even know him, or the secrets that the siblings had been forced to carry.

"Lets eat dinner." My mother spoke trying to get rid of the awkwardness in the room.

My mom wasn't the greatest cook. In fact everything she cooked was like a hockey puck.

"So Baylee." My dad began awkwardly. "What are you doing home?"

"I needed to come home for a visit." Baylee lied. Well semi lied.

"There has to be something more to it. This isnt like you." Beth spoke as she scooped the rock hard chicken onto the separate plates.

"Well I bought you guys plane tickets to see me in New York." Baylee said.

"Baylee, you know that we don't travel well." Michael said. It was true. They had never taken their kids on trips. The only trip she went on was when she was ten, and it was in the mountains in the Blacks cabin.

"Tell us the truth Baylee." Her mother spoke. "What are you really doing here?"

"Please tell us you have stopped running from your past." Michael spoke looking at his daughter.

"I need Jacob to sign our divorce papers." Baylee whispered.

Baylee could feel her parents roll their eyes at her. "When are you going to get over this?" Her mother snapped. "For the last time, you cause Jacob the cheat on you. You pushed him to the breaking point. You brought this on yourself. And you running from it, is not helping." Beth spoke frustrated with the way her daughter had treated her husband.

"I agree with your mother." Michael spoke in between bites of overlycooked food.

Baylee could feel the tears in her eyes as she did the unexpected. She pulled out the giant engagement ring.

Her mother and father gasped when they saw the ring. "We didnt even know you were dating." Beth spoke.

Baylee sighed. "I know that Jacob was like the son you never had. But he hurt me. He broke my heart right after I lost our baby. I love Peter. So for once in your lives will you support me?" Baylee asked. Her parents remained silent. That answered her question. "Fine. I see how it is. I'll get Jacob to sign the papers and I'll get out. See you in five years."

Baylee sat at her desk in her childhood room editing the pictures she took. Baylee had loved photography since she was a kid. But when she got pregnant she took it up fill time to try and support her baby.

"Bay, can I come in?" Sarah asked peaking her head into her older sisters room.

Baylee smiled, not bothering to look at her little sister. "Of course you can Sarah."

Sarah walked over and sat on the bed, closest to the end where Baylee was working on her computer. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm editing the pictures I took before I send them to my client." Baylee said.

"You're really good." Sarah said as she watched her sister. "Would you take my boyfriends and mine pictures next week for prom?" She asked.

Baylee turned and looked at her sister, a smile plastered on her face. "Did you just say boyfriend?" Baylee asked. Sarah didnt answer, but instead turned a bright shade of red. "Sarah Dawn, who is it?" Baylee squealed.

Sarah blushed. "His name is Seth Clearwater."

Baylee knew exactly who he was. She had phased when his sister had phased. Leah and Baylee had been really close. Seth phased shortly after Baylee lost the baby. Baylee started to get nervous as she thought about her sister dating the wolf. Baylee wanted nothing more than to protect her little sister. Especially from the secret thst Baylee and Spencer had been forced to carry.

"I'm sorry for what mom and dad said" Sarah told her sister. "If it makes you feel any better I agree with you. Jake really hurt you, and you deserve to be happy again."

Baylee smiled at her sister. Greatful for the apology. "I need to apologize to you too. I haven't been the greatest older sister." Baylee stopped for a long time. "What are we, lile nine years apart?" Sarah nodded her head. "I love you Sarah. But I got bitter when I got older. Spencer had just died, and I was grieving. And I wasn't there for you. While you were making cookies, I was making a baby. While you were coloring, I was sneaking out. While you were learning to tie your shoes, I was making out. Then after the baby died, I was so upset that I didn't think about how me leaving would effect you." Baylee confessed.

Sarah looked at her sister with a small smile. "I'm not mad at you Baylee. I have always loved you." Sarah paused for a long time. "I remember her. She looked like you."

Baylee laughed. "You don't remeber my baby. You were too little. And she looked like her daddy."

Sarah shook her head. "No I held her right after she was born. I remember that she was really small, and really pretty. I remember that you looked really tired, and sad. You had been crying. Jacob held you in his arms as you cried. He kept saying that you guys would get through this together over and over again. I could see that Jake was trying to be strong for you, but he wae also crying silently so you wouldn't know."

Baylee now had tears in her eyes. She didn't know that he little sister so vividly remembered the day that changed her life forever. "We got through it. But not together. We got through that in different ways."

"So will you still live in New York after you are married to Peter?" Sarah asked her older sister.

Baylee nodded her head. "Peter isn't for the small town life. So yes, we would be living in New York."

"I am graduating early. Could I maybe move in with you. I want to go to Columbia, and major in business. I could help you with your business, like the publicity stuff."

Baylee smiled at her sister. "I would like that a lot Sarah."

"Maybe then I could actually get a decent cooked meal for once in my life." Sarah laughed, causing Baylee to laugh as well.

The two sisters were quite for a long time as they laid on the bed just enjoying each other. Finally Sarah spoke up. "Seth invited me to the bonfire tonight. To hear the pack legends, I haven't ever heard them before. Do you want to go with?"

Baylee knew that this was it. Seth Clearwater had imprinted on her little sister. Baylee also knew that it was just a matter of hours, and Sarah would know the greatest secret Baylee had ever had. "I would love too go with you." Baylee told her trying to hide her worry.

Baylee only hoped that Sarah's imprint didn't break her hear. Just like Baylee's imprint had done to her.

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