Changeing my name. again...

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Casey: Hey guys!!!!!

Everyone: Hi....

Casey: I'm changing meh name again!

Freddy: Why?

Casey: Because I got tired of using my brothers (whom I hate) name

Markiplier: Ok. What are you gonna go by now?

Casey: I'm going by Alex now. You see, I'm trying to have a name that can be both female and male

Edd: Cool! I think it suits you!

Alex: Thanks edd!

Chica: But wouldnt that change the jasey ship name?

Alex: Uh...... Yeah actually

Toy chica: what's the new ship name then?

Alex: Um.... Let me think...

*ten hours latel*

*ten more hours latel*

*ten months latel*

OH!!!!! I KNOW!!!!

Toy chica and chica : TELLLLLLLLLL UUSSS!!!

Alex: Our new ship name is jax!!!!

Toy chica and chica: *makes two shirts that say "I ship jax" on it* WE SHIP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex: I..... I..... Ima go hide in a corner now *hides from the chicas*

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