Uh.... guys...

7 0 1

Alex: Hey guys...

Everyone else: Hey!

Markiplier: What's wrong Alex?

Alex: well... one of my close friends and I were planning on going as dipper and Mable for Halloween. But then two of my friends at school stated talking about dressing up as the creepypasta that we got on the quiz, and now I really want to go as the creepypasta I am and for some reason I want my friend to go as Ej. And theres pros and cons to each. Pro for dipper and Mable- I'm going a TV character that most people would know con for dip and Mable - 1: might get teased if I see someone from school 2: my mum won't get the journal and I CANT MAKE THA HAT!!!!! Oh and yeah I would be going as dipper and my friend as Mable. Pro for being Masky (that's meh!) And Ej (if I convince her...) - people can't see my face. I won't get teased (probably) I'm dressed up as a psychopath so people, might, not mess with me. Cons - teased for being a nerd (I WONT DENY IT!) Mum might not buy the fake knife (I WILL CONVINCE HER!)

Jeff: ..............................

Masky: Seriously? The person who had to get me on that quiz was Alex?! Why him of all people?!

Alex: Well Tim you see, theres a thing called... Fuck you


Alex: ..... Shit *runs for life*

Masky: GET BACK HERE BITCH!!!!! *chases Alex*

Alex: *stops running and Masky bumps into him and falls to the ground* What did you just call me?

Masky: Nothinnnggggggggg....

Alex: *pick up Masky by collar of his JACKETCOATWHATEVER* YOU JUST CALLED ME A FEMALE DOG!!!!! IM! NOT! A!! FEMALE!!!!!!! *Throws Masky to the ground so hard he passes out*

Ticci Toby: D-Dude... I-I-I think you k-killed him

Alex: Well he triggered me so.... He had it coming

Ticci Toby: T-True

Alex: welp bye guys!!!!!! Tell me what you think I should do!!! Also friend, who shall remain nameless, I'm sorry if you want to still do the Mable dipper thing but as you know my mum is a bitch and won't buy very many things. So, I can convince her to get the mask but the knife..... I could probably make a fake one

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