Note to readers

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I've seen a lot of people upset lately for all sorts of reasons and it honestly makes me upset too. All of you guys are perfect the way you are! Your skin color is gorgeous! It has a strong history, it makes up your beauty. Your face is generations and generations of love passed down. Your eyes are gorgeous no matter the color. No one else has the same eyes as you and nothing else shares the same color as them. Your freckles are beautiful! They mark your beauty and make you special. Your weight is only a number, it doesn't define who you are as a person. It doesn't make you any better or worse than anyone else. You're going to make mistakes, that's life! Keep those in the past. Don't worry about what others think about you. When it comes down to it and you look back at your life you'll regret holding yourself back from doing the things you've always wanted. Everything good and bad that has ever happened to you makes you the outstanding one of a kind person you are. Not a single person could ever take your place on this earth. You have a purpose unlike anyone else's even if you have yet to find it. You will find love, don't give up hope! Someone out there loves you for the person you truly are. You can love anyone you choose! You can be anything you truly want to be. So many people care about you even when you think they don't. You are loved by so many people you have no idea. One day If you really try and if you don't give up hope you will find some way to meet your idol. YOU are loved. YOU are worth it. YOU are beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you different. I hope you have an amazing day! If you ever need anyone to talk to I'm always here for you!!❤️❤️

Note: I wrote this a while back and I think it may have made a person or two smile. I'm sharing this with the hopes that it will make more people smile.

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