Chapter 1: Street Girl

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*y/n POV*
I was in the street... alone. The cold icy air ate at the only heat left with me, taking it away. The snow clung to my h/l h/c hair. I only had a light t-shirt on with torn shorts. I'm an abandoned child. My tears turning to ice as I walked on, not knowing where I was going. Just somewhere...
    When I still had a home, I was abused every day. My "parents" would just beat me. I don't know why.
    No one was on the sidewalks to see me and take me in. Still, the homeless shelters are said to be pretty awful too... I just need to find somewhere... someone... to take me in. Anyone, as long as they would take care of me.
    I urge forward until finally I collapse into the snow. I couldn't go any farther. My poor body had had enough. I tried to crawl, but all I got to was against the wall of the closest building. Maybe I should just let myself freeze to death. I'm better off dead anyway. I was about to move when suddenly everything went pitch black...

I woke up in a hospital. Somehow someone had brought me there. People were hurrying   
everywhere. I overheard someone talking to a police officer about taking me back to my previous parents. As soon as I heard that I jumped up and bolted. People started running after me trying to get me to realize that it would be okay. But I knew what would happen if I went back.
    People tried to grab me, but even though I was weak, I was very swift and fast. I ran right past everyone and out the door. I kept on running until I realized that they were following me. It was still snowing hard so I let the snow conceal me as I ran into the closest building to me. I realized that I could lock the doors, so I did.
    I looked around. It was that old pizzeria called 'Freddy Fazbear's Pizza'. My parents would take me here all the time when I was little. But now since I'm sixteen they just treated me like a filthy animal. I looked at myself. I was a filthy animal. I remembered playing the game when I was eleven, the last good year that I had spent when I was with my parents. I knew that there was some blankets by the stage room, so I walked over there.
    I was kinda expecting one of the animaltronics to jump out at me and kill me, but surprisingly the place looked like it was deserted. I pulled out the blankets and settled on the stage and let sleep take over. I guess I could call this my home...

*???'s POV*
I saw the girl come in. She was obviously hiding from something. She was beautiful. She had gorgeous e/c eyes and h/c hair. I'm going to have to tell the others that we have a guest here at the pizzeria...

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