Chapter 3: 'I'm An... Animaltronic?'

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    *y/n's POV*
    I had blacked out as I fell to the floor. I heard faint voices saying 'What's wrong with you' and 'We need to help her'.
    What's the point in helping me? I know I'm going to die. But wait... shouldn't I be dead already if I were going to die? I heard voices saying 'What's happening to her?' I think it was Foxy who said that. He was right, what was happening to me? I felt my body coming back to its senses. I was warming up. I was healing myself... but why?
    I finally op Ned my eyes to see everyone hovering over me. I was lying on some blankets on the stage.
    I sat up, "Wha happen?"
    "I accidentally impaled you with my hook," Foxy said hesitantly.
    "Oh," I said.
    "Foxy she could've frickin' died if she didn't fix herself! But how did she fix herself," Freddy wondered.
    Foxy thought about it for a moment then said, "Oh! I got it!"
    He took his hook hand and ran his hook across his real hand so that he created a bleeding gash down his hand. I gasped.
    Foxy showed me his hand, "See how it's slowly healing itself? I think this is what happened to you when you got impaled."
    "But how? She's not an animaltronic or anything," Bonnie said.
    "I know it must sound crazy but... y/n is part animaltronic. She has the healing ability, just like us," Foxy explained.
    "So I'm an... animaltronic," I asked.
    "Yes, lassie! You are," Foxy exclaimed.
    "W-wow! That's cool...," I said, unsure of how to react.
    "Hey, y/n? It's time you should get to the office, it's almost 12:00," Freddy said.
    "Okay, see ya guys at 6:00," I said, then ran off towards the office.
    I made myself comfortable. I was very familiar with the office from playing the game. The phone rang, but I had memorized the call from playing the game over and over again even though I had already beaten it. I wasn't that worried except for the fact that Foxy didn't wait to start coming out till the second night, so I found myself face-to-face with his animaltronic form.
    "Oh god, nice Foxy, niiice Foxy Foxy," I said nervously.
    Foxy advanced towards me until I was against the wall.
    I closed my eyes waiting for the worst, when suddenly I heard Foxy's voice, "I believe we didn't get to finish something in that hallway."
    I slowly opened my eyes to see that Foxy was in his human form and had started to kiss me. I knew I had no choice but to kiss back. But what can I say? I kinda enjoyed it.

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