Chapter two: Daffodil

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Brinley's POV:

I called my mom telling her I was going to go get dinner with Kyra. She gave me a really long speech about being careful and not driving too fast.

Like that's not something I've heard a million times. One car accident is all it took.

After what seemed like a thousand years, I hung up and handed my phone to Kyra.

"Play anything you want. You heard her. Gotta be safe,"

She smiled and scrolled through the long list of songs. She found one and pressed the fingerprint free screen carefully.

A very familiar tune came on and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Come on Tokki, they call me..." She pointed at me. Her chubby cheeks were high into her smile, showing her dimples.

I sighed and gave in. I looked at her with the most serious face I could pull. "PEPSI!" I yelled and smiled along with her.

Over the loud, energetic beat I heard her singing and laughing. I followed along.

After about 4 upbeat songs and a few car door slams later, we were sat down in the ice cream parlor enjoying the sweet treat after screaming our hearts out.

" wanna tell me what happened to you and Tyler?"

I saw Kyra stiffen a little and she slowly started stirring her ice cream. I gave her a few seconds until she answered.

Well, more like showed me.

She took her tear streaked shirt sleeve and wiped her face. Under her face makeup, I could see a large multi-colored spot appear on her cheek.

A bruise... I stared as she continued. Tears started in her eyes. I grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"Oh my god, Ky..why didn't you tell me?" She still stared at her cup. Tears started falling into the cup.

"He did this to you?" I quickly grabbed her backpack as I said it and held her hand. I led her to the restroom.

Her sound of her sobbing filled the room of people. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw people staring suspiciously but they turned back around and continued with their meals.

I pushed the door open and made sure no one was in there. I quickly locked the door.

The sound of her pain echoed in the restroom emptiness. I held her hand as she slid down the wall onto the suspiciously sticky floor. She buried her face in her arms and cried loudly.

I sat down with her. I placed my hand on her back and rubbed up and down. She continued crying. I leaned into her.

She moved and wrapped my legs around her waist, making our chests touch. She placed her head on my shoulder and I just let her cry.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke to the sound of her hiccuping. I lifted my head and saw us in the same position.

I took her light pink face with my hands and placed a small kiss on her forehead.

"Better?" I asked as quietly as I could, not wanting to scare her.

Her clear blue eyes looked into mine as she smiled weakly. "Sure. Let's go with that,"

She leaned her head back on my shoulder. "My butt hurts," she said quietly.

I chuckled lightly. "Mine too," I unwrapped my legs from around her and stood.

I helped her up and examined her face. All her crying had completely gotten rid of her makeup and now the bruise was much more prominent.

I grabbed her makeup bag out of her backpack and helped her put it back on. Not one word protruded out of either of us.

I covered the bruise surprisingly well and put the stuff back into the bag. I grabbed her hand and walked out of the restroom with my head held high.

I pushed open the exit door as hard as I could, making it slam against the wall on the other side. I pulled Kyra along with me.

We got into the car. We sat in silence until the sound of the engine that erupted with power. I turned on the radio and just let it play.

We drove back to her house. Once we arrived, I turned the car off and sat there. I looked straight ahead trying to absorb all that had happened.

"Brin, I was going to tell you but...I was just too scared..I'm gonna break up with him. I promise," Her pleading voice calling out to me.

"Ky, I don't want to hear it," I held my hand up to her face. "You always tell me this and you just go back to him again. Look at what happened this time!"

I looked at her and saw her blue eyes staring at me, pleading.

All of the sudden, I broke down. "I wasn't there to protect you and now this happened! I saw all of the signs! I couldn't be there when you needed me! I should have known!"

I started slamming my fists on the steering wheel over and over again, screaming."I should have known!"

Kyra placed her hand on my shoulder and I stopped. "You were and are always there for me, Tokki,"

I looked at her beautiful face as tears fogged my vision. I wiped them away. Her pretty pink face stared back at me, a weak smile plastered in her mouth.

I used my pointer finger to lightly touch her face.

I softly said, "Go inside. Get some rest. Tomorrow is Friday. You can spend the WHOLE weekend with me and we can laugh and cry and....figure this whole thing out. Together,"

She nodded and moved away. She got out of the car and slammed the door shut. She walked up to the porch and entered the quant 2 story home.

I put the car into reverse and drove to my house and quietly entered. I didn't want all the maids waiting on me today.

I stayed up until 11:00 finishing homework. I didn't even bother to change out of the tear stained clothes. I put my stuff away and lightly placed my head on my pillow once I was done.

Darkness filled my eyes and brain and I slept soundly. 

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