Chapter One: Honey

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Brinley's POV:

I pushed the heavy metal doors open and let the warm air take hold of me.

"Ah, finally! Only one more day in this horrid prison of a school, " I said as I closed my eyes and inhaled the muggy air.

"Wait for me!" A voice yelled from behind me.

"Kyra, I would never leave you," I smiled and turned to a purple haired girl with striking blue eyes.

"Um, yeah sure," she rolled her eyes and smiled slyly.

"I wouldn't.." I whispered.

"Come on, Brin. Let's finally get out of here," Kyra interlaced her fingers with mine as we walked side by side down the dark gray sidewalk.

We walked little ways in silence, our fingers still holding each other, our steps very rhythmic.

Kyra interrupted the silence as she sighed.

"Yes?" I asked, looking at her. Her purple hair was flying gracefully in the wind.

"You wanna get ice cream later? Tyler ditched me again," She said the second part quieter and looked at her dark red shoes.

"He ditched you again? He is your boyfriend, Ky!" Now I was frustrated. She just remained silent.

"Hey," I squeezed her hand and she turned to me. Her sky clear eyes were filled with crystal tears. "What's wrong Ky?"

"Nothing. It's fine," Her tears fell to the dark ground in between us. I bent down to look her in the eyes.

"Hey. It's okay. I'm here,"

Even though I was smaller than her, I laced my arms around her neck and hugged her tight. She buried her face in my coat. We stood like that for a while.

The warmth of her body pressed against mine made the air around us warmer.

She finally lifted her head, smiling weakly as her cheek brushed against mine.

"Thanks," She said shakily, her lilac hair falling in front of her face, blocking her sky eyes.

I placed my hand onto her stained cheek, moving the hair out of her face. "Now I don't want you to be sad," I said, "Come on. I can skip a few hours of homework,"

She looked up at me slightly and weakly smiled, "Alright,"

"Kaja!" I whispered, grabbed her hand and dragged her to my little red salvation. She hopped in and I slammed the door shut.

I walked around to my side and jumped in. I quickly grabbed the aux cord to play the song I knew she would dance to.

As the intro started, I started the car. She smiled her beautiful smile that I loved and always wanted to achieve out of her.

We pulled out of the school parking lot. She turned the volume up slightly and looked at me, waiting for me to protest.

"Girl, go ahead. Today is," I touched her nose lightly and she smiled.

"You are the bestest friend a girl could have, Tokki,"

My heart aches as she said those words. I looked at the road as she turned the volume. If only she knows how much I loved her....and not only as a friend...

Yolo yolo yolo yo where the party at? tangjinjaem tangjinjaem tangjinjaem.....

Kyra's POV:

I hurried after Brinley as she flung her tiny body against the large metal doors.

She wasn't very strong but when school let out, she could probably tear those doors apart.

I heard her scream something into the warm spring air.

"Wait for me!" I yelled. I pushed the doors open and saw her.

In her maroon school uniform, with her short hair awkwardly blowing in the wind, she looked like a warrior. Her adorable little bunny smile looked back at me.

My Tokki...

I couldn't help but smile back.

"Kyra, I would never leave you," She whined, making my face become warmer.

"Um, yeah sure," I tried to sound hurt but I just couldn't with her there. I heard her whisper something but I knew she was defending herself.

I couldn't stare at her forever, so I suggested to go. I grabbed her small hand and started walking.

We walked silently until I couldn't stand it anymore. I didn't mean to but I sighed, letting out some stress I was carrying in my body. Of course, Brinley answered to it.


She looked at me with her tiny brown eyes under those black-rimmed glasses.

"You wanna get ice cream later?" I knew I was going to regret the next sentence.

"Tyler ditched me again."

Brinley's dark eyes flashed with anger and concern. Before I could understand what all she was saying, all I could feel were tears I had been holding in for so long running down my cheeks.

Brinley put her supportive arms around me and I just knew I would be safe. I don't know how she did it, but she just seemed to make my entire world seem a little bit better.

We hugged until I was actually worried about getting tears all over her expensive jacket. I quickly wiped the tears away. "Thanks.."

She carefully placed her soft warm hand on my face, moving a stray piece of hair that blocked a sliver of my vision.

Her supportive but soothing voice said, "Now I don't want you to be sad," I nodded slightly, " Come on. I can skip a few hours of homework."

Yeah sure more like a whole week's worth. I looked into her chocolate brown eyes. "Alright,"

She smiled, showing her little bunny smile and pulled me along.

We ran until we came to her car. She pushed me in and slammed the door shut. She walked over to her side and slide her body into the car.

I ran my finger along the beige interior, marveling at the feeling of the expensive vehicle.

She immediately grabbed the AUX cord. She knew how to make me happy.

I reached for the volume dial. I looked at her, not wanting to imprint my fingerprints onto her shiny car.

"Girl, go ahead. Today is about you," Her tiny finger lightly touched my nose.

I smiled. "You are the bestest friend a girl could have, Tokki,"

I turned the volume up to a decent volume. I looked at her one last time.

She didn't have the smile I was used to seeing. It looked more concerned and hurt, nothing I had ever seen out of her.

I shrugged it off and sang with all my heart...and with the most important person, I could ever have...

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