Listening to new music from a band you've only just discovered.
Biting into freshly baked pastries that are still warm.
Giving your friend a birthday present you know they'll love.
Being told this song reminds them of you.
Waking up to see the clouds are still tinged by the sunrise.
Laughing at inside jokes.
Sleeping in.
Sparkling snow that looks like glitter in the lamplight.
A car ride at midnight, with blasting music.
The sun hugging your back, or smiling at you on a cold day, so that it feels like summer in your little corner.
Finding a character in a book that has the same unique quirk as someone you love.
Seeing a beautiful bird outside your window.
Looking at the moon on a really clear night, or when there's some wispy clouds that give the moon a fuzzy halo.
Waking up from a bad dream, and seeing that everything is really ok.
Chasing the sunrise in a plane from a window seat.
A good cup of coffee that jumpstarts your day.
Flying in your dreams.
These are only a fraction of the little things that can make your day.
Hi, I'm still around. Just been really busy. Anyway, have a small lists of things that make me happy. Feel free to add on in the comments! ❤
From the Phone of a Teenage Girl
AcakA collection of mad ramblings from a teenage girl in high school. Enjoy.