Chapter 11

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I started to blush from Dez's words.

"Calm down tiger. We still have to get through the rest of today. Plus we have a little one to worry about." I said. Briar gave me back my bouquet then we walked back down the aisle and through the paparazzi that was waiting for everyone to leave.

"Rose! Can we get a view of the ring?!" Was one of the most popular questions, so before we got in the limo I held my hand up and let them get a picture of it then disappeared in the car.

"Now, everyone has requested no funny business back there. The drive won't be too long." The driver said. We were going to our family gathering before the actual reception started.

"Don't worry Happy, I wouldn't dream of letting him do anything to me in this dress." I said. We laughed and then the car stopped. Happy got out and came around the car and opened the door for me. He helped me out and then I gave him a hug.

"Thank you for dealing with us and for doing this." I said.

"It's my pleasure to have this job." He said. Dez got out and closed the door. He touched my hip and we released from the hug. Happy got back in the car and drove off.

"Let's head inside. Everyone's waiting for us." Dez said. I grabbed his hand and we walked into the lobby and to the elevator. Choruses of congratulations rang through the lobby as we made our way into the empty elevator. The elevator doors closed and then Dez's phone rang.

"Hello?" He asked. I couldn't hear who it was but I guess they said to put it on speaker phone.

"Where are you guys?" Indigo asked.

"In the elevator why?" I asked.

"Get up here as fast as you can. You need to see what we recorded." Baxter said.

"We're like 4 floors away. We'll see you in a minute." Dez said then hung up the phone. The doors opened a few minutes later and we were dragged in and sat on the couch before we could process what was going on. The TV started to play a news story.

"This just in, Mr. President has officially put a series of bans in place that are effective immediately. Here is the announcement video." The news lady said then I switched to a press conference.

"The ban's that will be put in place is the following: there will be no terms for leading officials, you can have no more children than one from this point forward, if you have more than one now it's fine but for new parents no more than one, and you can not leave or come into the country unless you have written consent from me. There will be more that will be passed in time." The President said then the screen went black.

"We need to cancel our doctors appointment and our honeymoon. We also need to call in our doctors that are in hiding." I said. Dez canceled the honeymoon, Briar called in our doctors, and I called the hospital to cancel the appointment.

"Why are you canceling the appointment?" The receptionist asked.

"We won't be able to make it, we have another appointment at that time across town." I lied hoping she took it and wouldn't ask anymore questions.

"Ok, well it's cancelled." She said. I told her thank you then hung up.

"Is everything cancelled and everyone called?" I asked.

"Yeah. And the people will be here in a minute." Sylvia said.

"How long until the reception?" I asked those around me.

"About 4 hours. You can go and change and get ready for the people to get here and set up." Ramona suggested. I nodded and had my moms help me take my dress off and not ruin my hair and makeup.

"Rose, are you ready?" I heard Dez ask.

"Yeah just give me a second." I said fixing my shirt and sweatpants. I opened the door to see Dez waiting for me. I linked my arm in his and we walked out to find Dr. Bruce Brady and Mr. Tony Smith. With a crowd of people in the other room.

"Rose! How are you?" Bruce asked as he hugged me.

"I'm good it's just this has to be on the down low and since I know you guys aren't on the best terms with the government, I know that I can trust you guys." I told the two as I hugged Tony.

"Thanks to my husband, who just so happened to be right. I'll inform you on everything that we know so far so that you guys are caught up." Tony said. We nodded and Dez closed the door as I laid down on the table that was set up. I heard the door lock so that no one could hear us.

"Ok computer, time for you to show us what you can do. Secure the room and entire building. Make sure no one is in here besides us four." Tony spoke.

"Right away sir." The computer said from his watch. She did as she was told and didn't find anyone else in the room.

"Ok so lift your shirt up right below your chest and slip you pants down a little." Bruce said. I did as he told me.

"How far along are you?" Bruce asked me.

"The doctor that we went to said I looked to be about 2 months along. He also said that I was having one baby." I said.

"Well, um, this is gonna be cold

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"Well, um, this is gonna be cold." Bruce said before Tony squeezed a blue gel on my stomach. I shivered slightly. Tony moved the wand around trying to find the baby. Eventually a picture came up and there were three dots on the screen.

"Congratulations you guys! You're having triplets! You're also about 2 months along

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"Congratulations you guys! You're having triplets! You're also about 2 months along." Tony said.

"Excuse me? Triplets?" I asked.

"Yep triplets, three, Tres, trois. Three." Tony said.

"Baby A, B, and C." Bruce said pointing to each one on the frozen screen.

"We are so dead if anyone finds out." I said.

"Might as well start digging."

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