Chapter 3

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"Rose.... wake up." I heard Willow say in my ear. My eyes fluttered open and she held out a menu.

"Oh! Breakfast!" I said. I sat up and grabbed the menu out of her hands.

"Waffles! With bacon! And fruit! And Apple Juice! Please?" I asked her. She started to laugh and took the menu. I pouted as she left and another flight assistant came up and grabbed my pillow and blanket.

"Excuse me. Do you happen to know if Willow has any type of significant other?" I asked her.

"No she doesn't. Why may I ask?" She asked.

"I'm thinking of offering her a job that will be permanent and she'd have to travel a lot more than she does now." I said. She nodded her head and left. I looked at my phone and saw it being blown up by the boys.

A- Woah.....

M- Are you guys related?

L- Are you guys twins?

C- I thought you didn't have any siblings?

R- I used to have an older sister that looked just like me. Then with me being tall it only made people think that we were identical twins. When she graduated I was a sophomore. The best part was telling people that we had the same birthday. She was 18 when she graduated and I was 16. It came time for her to go to college, but after she moved away I never heard from her. We had been so close before she disappeared...... she was the one that had bought me my first car...... but she had told me before she disappeared that she was going to disappear for awhile and get away. I didn't realize that she meant 2+ years.....

After I sent it I put my phone in my pocket and Willow came up.

"I have been dying for waffles for like a month!" I said when she set the plate in front of me.

"Well, these are super good! I'll get my food and then I have to tell you something and maybe you can tell me about that business." She said. I nodded at her and she walked away. The plate in front of me had a bowl of berries that I could put on top of the waffle towards the side. On the side with the berries was butter and syrup in little containers that I could put on it. I got the butter and put it on the single waffle. I then put berries on it and drizzled syrup over the top. Willow sat down next to me. I looked over at her and took my glass of apple juice.

"Thank you! Now what did you need to tell me?" I asked her.

"Did you have an older sister?" She asked me.

"Yeah..... She kind of disappeared when she went to college 2 years ago." I said.

"What if I told you that I was that sister?" She said.

The police that had investigated had said that she had died. We buried an empty casket because we couldn't find her body, just a trail of blood to tire marks.

"No. My sisters dead. We found a trail of blood from her apartment to tire marks." I said. Somehow it seemed like what I was saying was a lie.

"You know that that's a lie." She said.

"Then what really happened Willow?" I asked her.

"I didn't die. I had a cut on my arm that was bleeding badly so I walked out to my car and drove myself to a place that I knew would be able to help me. I didn't have the money or ability to go to the hospital. So I went to my bosses house. You see Whitney, I was pregnant." She said.

"It was your pregnancy test that mom found! She made me take another one right in front of her to prove that I was in fact not pregnant." I said.

"Yes that was mine. That's one of the reasons why I said that I was going to 'college'. I never actually got an acceptance letter, or even applied for any college, but just had them at graduation say that I was. I actually went to live in one of my bosses apartment building. That's why I would disappear on the weekends, I would go up to the 'internship'. But a lot happened and somehow I ended up pregnant. So I was trying to cook and cut my arm on a sharp edge. It's a good thing that I was the favorite out of all the employees. They had a personal doctor that was always around. Months later we made arrangements for them to pay for me to go to school for becoming a flight attendant. In exchange they got the baby once it was born. I still get pictures and money from them constantly. They say that I've done more for them than they could ever do for me. The baby doesn't even look like me at all. Plus it brings back bad memories, so there's no chance of me getting them back. That's what happened. I went to school and got this job, my contract with them ends after this flight so, yeah." She said. We had tears running down our cheeks and I leaned across the seat and hugged her.

"Don't bother looking for a job. I want you to become my personal assistant and marry one of the boys."


Willow texted the flight agency and said that she wasn't going to reinstate her contract with them. She didn't really have any other baggage besides a few changes of clothes. But she lived here in Sydney so we could go in the morning to her apartment and tell her landlord and get everything that she needs/wants. I had put my disguise on. Sunglasses and a hoodie. I lent Willow some of my clothes and texted the boys that we were at the restrooms.

A- I think I see you!

L- Who's that girl with you?

R- Come over and I'll introduce you to my new assistant!

I looked around and saw 4 practical giants approaching. I had met the boys tons before now so when I ran up to them they ran towards me. Ashton ran in front of all the other boys and lifted me and spun me around. I then felt 3 more pairs of arms around me. "Can't.......breathe!!!" I said. Immediately I was freed and walked over to Willow. 

"Boys, this is my older sister Willow. Willow this is Ashton, Calum, Michael, and Luke!" I said. She stuck out her hand to shake theirs but they were immobilized. She put her hand at her side.

"You guys are twins right?" Michael asked.

"Nope! She is 21, almost 22. And I am 19, almost 20. We start school a little later in life. 1st graders are usually 8." I said. We walked to the car after the boys came out of their stupor.

"That's a lie! When are your birthdays?" Ashton asked.

"You see that's what messes people up the most! Mine is June 21." Willow said.

"Mine is June 21 also." I said.

"What year?" Luke asked.

"1999." Willow said.

"2001." I said.

"Drivers licenses!" Calum said. We got to the car and I put my luggage in the trunk along with Willow's. I grabbed my wallet and then got in the car. I pulled mine out and Willow pulled hers. On hers it said her birthday was June 21, 1999. Mine said June 21, 2001.

"Wow." Luke said.

"Our parents were surprised by it too. I was the best birthday present Willow ever got!"

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