Chapter 7

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"IT'S ALL OVER!!! THE WARRIORS ARE THE STARE CHAMPS!!" The announcer said. Those words were running through my head as we all waited for the boys basketball team to come out of the locker room. The rival school was celebrating in the gym still. We had beaten them at region, but just came up short. I was still in my uniform, not wanting to change. Finally they started to slowly trickle out, red faced and tear stains. I hugged a few people before my then boyfriend, Mack, walked out. I went over to him and hugged him. I buried my face in his chest and he held my head there and buried his face in my hair. I was a sophomore, him a junior.

"Stop crying baby-girl. We'll get it next year. Plus you'll just make me cry even more." He said. I giggled a little and looked up at him.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I told him then kissed him.

I sat up in bed startling Briar awake.

"Rose, are you ok?" She asked concerned. We had crashed right after we got to hotel from the party that they threw me.

"Yeah. Just a nightmare." I lied. I hated lying. But I couldn't tell her about the dream that I had just witnessed. Mack and I had to break up when he went to Australia for 2 years after he graduated. She left it alone and we went back to sleep.

"THE KNIGHTS ARE THE STATE CHAMPIONS!!" I couldn't feel my throat after yelling for 2 hours straight. I hadn't done cheer this year to focus more on my family and friends and school. I was wearing jeans and had dots painted in green and white surrounding my eyes. I had my black converses on and Mack's other jersey on. When they opened the gate I bolted towards Mack. He picked me up and spun me around. When he set me down I felt his lips on mine.

"I told you that we would get it this year."

I opened my eyes and looked at the time. It was 4am so I tried to go back to sleep.

"I love you. Don't forget me." He said. I looked into his turquoise eyes.

"I won't. I love you too." I said. We shared one last kiss before he boarded the plane. I texted him as much as possible. It was my senior year. I was a cheerleader again and I hadn't heard a lot from Mack for about a month. I went to one of the baseball games and was looking down at my phone with my poms in my opposite hand. I set my poms down and saw a post on Instagram from Mack. ~Glad to be home for a little bit!~ was the caption with a picture of the baseball field. I looked up from my phone and looked behind me to see Mack there.

My dream faded as I woke up again. I looked back at the clock and saw that it was 4:30am. I laid back down and drifted off to sleep again.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming home?!" I question Mack.

"Because why would I need to when you've moved on?!" He countered back. We had gone back to my house after the game. No one was there except for me and him.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him.

"Don't act like you're fucking clueless! Otis texted me a photo of you and Baxter kissing at one of the games!" He yelled.

"I didn't kiss anyone!! I haven't kissed anyone since you left!" I yelled back.

"Then what's this!" He asked showing me a picture on his phone. The photo looked like it was realistic and was very convincing. But you couldn't see the couples faces.

"That isn't me!" I told him.

"Save the bull-shit! We're done!"  He said and stormed out.

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