Finding the future Book prologue

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                                    Godric's POV 

"How much longer do we have to wait my dear ? I mean it has been years and years since we found each other and we have searched and searched everywhere and still we are no closer finding our last two life mates , I mean I love you five very much but i feel this emptiness inside over not being able to find our last two submissives and hold them in my arms." Said Rowena hopelessly in a depressed way. I looked up from deep in my thoughts and gather my beloved row in my arms and gently rock her while whispering sweet nothings and stroking her hair, Salazar who had been watching us while running his thumb soothingly over helga's hand suddenly said " don't you worry little Row we will find them eventually, they must either be very young, haven't been born yet or are much harder to find then we first thought." Godric sighed. When Godric was very young he met Salazar while he was running from witch hunters, they had broken into his family home while his father was out abducted his mother, while him and his half brother Silas escaped through the woods and got separated, and while Godric was looking for firewood found him hiding in a tree, after coaxing him out he explained what happened to him and Godric brought him home. He was welcome into his family wholeheartedly and never left after, his mother was burned at the stake, father abandoned him and his brother and got remarried, and brother turned into a crazy dark wizard killing off muggles in his craze and betraying Salazar and breaking his heart. Godric was with him every step of the way, then while one day out looking for food, they met Helga and Rowena who ran away together after helga's mundane father tried to force her into an arranged marriage with an absolutely dreadful man, and Rowena who wanted to get away from her crazy family who liked to ignore and neglect her because she wasn't a man left and never looked back, they ran into some trouble with some drunk men who tried accoust them , bringing them to the attention of Godric and Salazar who couldn't stand for women to be treated in such a way, beat the bloody b**tards and saved the girls who were about the same age as them, and brought them home to also be welcome as family. They became very close as they got older, began teaching each other all types of magic, whenever someone needed to hide from the muggles they provided sanctuary, or needed proper schooling in the art of magic they couldn't get elsewhere they became teachers for them at such a young age, when they turned 14 is when they met the legend himself Myrddin Emrys or better known Merlin who helped build Camelot up for a safe place for mundane's and Magical's alike to work together peacefully and even if rumors are true got King Arthur and queen Gwendolyn together, who had heard about what they had been doing and became very interested in their magical potential, trained and taught them everything he knew and got them started  in their unification of all magical creatures and building of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry, Finally when they were just about finished building the school when they were 18 to their enormous surprise went into a magical creature inheritance, their magic got stronger, their senses opened up a lot more, and they developed a deep ravenous hunger, longing and desire for each other , Merlin then explained after that fiasco, that when a witch or wizard is powerful enough when they reach magical majority when they turn 18 it is very possible to go into a creature inheritance, and depending on your power level can have more then one life mate, since they had been through so much together through thick and thin they were soulmates, then to their even bigger astonishment he dropped the glamour over his appearance of old age , long white beard and and long flowing cloak, he became a tall young man of 25 with pronounced cheekbones a light tan skin tone, crazy brown hair with some reddish brown or bronzish highlights running through his hair ,especially in the sun with the strangest eyes ever seen that didn't seem to have a distinctive color for sure that looked just like the galaxy or the stars themselves that constantly shifted in different explosions of colors and was absolutely magnificent, after examining themselves in the mirror they discovered their looks had somewhat changed too, Helga was a couple inches taller had a lighter complexion , her pale blonde hair was now a nice honey golden blonde to her shoulders with beautiful doe honey brown eyes with slitted eyes like a cats and discovered she had gotten the lion shifter creature inheritance. Rowena had also gotten a couple inches taller with a slightly tanner skin texture, with aristocratic features, Her light brown hair had grown to the middle of her back was now a smooth rich chocolate brown and very shiny, her light grey eyes changed to a deep stormy grey like ferocious thunder clouds, and she had ethereal black wings it seems she got the fae inheritance. Salazar's lightly pale skin had gotten even paler with high cheekbones and aristocratic facial features, and gotten a lot taller his silky black raven hair was down to below his ears was even darker now it was almost blue his dark blue eyes were now a deep piercing icy blue, he had very sharp teeth and a crazy sense of smell , turned out he had gotten a very rare , considered to be one of the darkest  creature inheritance's , looks sort of like a panther but different and a hundred times more powerful and dangerous, and the magical worlds most dangerous predator called a nimdu. Godric who had gotten a lot taller even more then Salazar, had a wide chin big cheekbones, his light tan from going out in the sun a lot had changed to a gorgeous bronze tanned mocha complexion, he had huge huge ass muscles that looked like he battled dragons daily, his short dark red hair had changed to a bright fiery red flowing elegantly Down his back, and deep Forrest green eyes and become a beautiful sea green that shines really bright even in darkness, he had blue and green scales, slitted eyes, sharp teeth, super senses, and beautiful tattoos going down his arms ,back and chest, he had developed a rare dragon inheritance that not that many people get nowadays.

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