Meeting our mates

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                                         Godric's POV 

After Arthur finally got them to settle down from screaming at each other one by one everyone started getting up off the floor for those that were all piled up on top of each other, mid-way through a red haired girl one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen, came up with a voluptuous figure , fire red hair and the chocolateist eyes I had ever seen ,with a luscious looking body and I bet fiery personality, where one of the delicious captivating scents was emanating from like  chocolate, fuchsia flowers  and sunshine. She looked quite ruffled and after slipping and almost falling after getting up Salazar rushed over and lifted her into his arms snugly, to her great surprise. All 6 of the mated pair gaped openly at the astonishing beauty, when a amazing scent reached his nose, of the woods, pine,an earthy meadowy scent and gooey luscious yummy Caramel one of his favorite sweet flavors. Facing forwards again Godric noticed the few people getting up off the floor finally, gazing upon the last person at the very bottom, he breathed in his scent and his dragon roared MATE!MINE!MATE!MINE!PROTECT MATE. When he finally gets control of his inner beast , he starts to worry why  he is not getting up off the floor and that he might be seriously hurt, with the unfortunate luck to be stuck on the very bottom of the humongous pile , sharing a look with his mates he can til they are just as worried as him. He sprinted over to him and plucked him unceremoniously up off the ground and into his arms, barely giving much effort he was so light for a boy and skinny Looking they have to make sure he eats more, he was quite small for a male with light pale skin , with pink kissable lips that are rosy red, a cute button nose, raven black hair almost as dark as Salazar's which stuck up in every possible direction imaginable with the greenest emerald's for eyes ever to be seen in a face,  he had small hands you would almost expect a young girl to have, he barely weighed anything , he had a mesmerizing ethereal beauty that I hadn't seen before, even covered in mud,dirt , big round glasses which made him look even more adorable, and blood, cuts ,and bruises WAIT WHAT!?!? WHO ON EARTH WOULD DARE HARM MY MATE HE SHOULD BE CHERISHED, ADORED, LOVED AND PROTECTED WAIT TILL I GET MY HANDS ON THEM THEY WIL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN!!!!! I mentally shouted unintentionally sharing my thoughts with my other mates who all answered "Too right They will " in unison with our mind link all mates have . Getting under control to take care of my mate who is much more important then whoever did this, using all my self control to not run my fingers through his amazing hair to feel how soft his hair is or rub my nose down the crook of his neck to take in his delicious earthy sweet caramel scent I could practically taste it. "Are you okay? My Little adorable kitten."I said with affection In my thick Scottish accent. That can make the panties drop of most women. Every woman loves a red haired Scotsman. Because that is exactly what he reminds me of a black kitten with big wide doe green eyes Looking up at me. The most mouthwatering tasty looking blush spread across his cheeks and down his neck he is so fuckin adorably cute I just want to scream. Making my eyes glaze over. Shaking my head to get better control of myself .At the corner of my eye I saw my other mates watching him with aww in their eyes at how cute he is, when he looked over at Salazar looking questionably on why my other new mate was in his arms,looking just as flustered and adorable I can't till which one is cuter. When he saw Salazar his jaw nearly dropped like it did when he first saw me I mentally chuckled. When Salazar winked at them both causing them to blush I knew the same game he plays with us he will with them , Salazar always tries his hardest to make us blush all the time it is like his fetish. After me and Salazar are forced to put them down the girls pouted mentally whining "why did you guys get to hold them and we didn't ?"  We both smiled, they were finally back to their old selves now that we have Found our last two mates, since we spent so long searching for them we all started to lose some of who we are when we kept coming back empty. Merlin mentally shook his head good-naturely "we are finally complete our circle is whole."   Merlin's whole spirit glowed with love, adoration, affection for all his mates and relief at finally finding his last two he could already till they were absolutely perfect in every way and couldn't wait to nurture and take care of them.

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