Introducing everyone

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I do not own Harry Potter all rights belong to J.K. Rowling 

                                                            Harry's POV

Dumbledore came forward to the front to start the introductions of everyone.

"Hello my name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore used to be the the Headmaster of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry. I died 1996." While spreading his arms out in a welcoming way like he does the beginning of every school year. Harry saw four of those people from before looking at Dumbledore with interest. "I am Minerva Mcgonagall Transfiguration Professor head of Gryffindor House." The redhead from before looked at her with a huge smile on his face."I am Pomona Sprout Herbology Professor Head of Hufflepuff House." A beautiful woman with golden honey blonde hair and warm honey brown eyes looked at her with surprise and amazement. "I am Filius Flitwick charms Professor Head of Ravenclaw House." The brunette haired woman from before gazed at him with a light smile upon her face. "I am Severus Snape used to be Head of Slytherin House and Potions Master, until the headmaster died and I became the headmaster. I died a couple of hours ago." Several people drew their wands threateningly, until a note appeared saying that no one was allowed to hurt anyone using magic while here, when Everyone finally quit screaming and yelling at him , the raven haired man sent him a searching critical look, Harry noticed. "Rubeus Hagrid gamekeeper of Hogwarts." "Poppy Pomfrey school medi-witch." "Lucius Malfoy and this is my wife Narcissa Malfoy." "Draco Malfoy I'm a Slytherin." "Blaise zabini I'm a Slytherin." "Daphne Greengrass and my sister Astoria greengrass we are Slytherins." "Theodore nott I'm a Slytherin." "Lily moon I'm a Slytherin ." "Garrick Ollivander Wandmaker.""Aberforth Dumbledore owner of hog's Head.""Ariana Dumbledore died before Grindelwald's rein." The Dumbledore brothers looked in shock and couldn't take their eyes off their baby sister who looks far better then she ever did in life. "Dobby the House-elf and this is kreacher.""Tracy Davis I'm a Slytherin.""Viktor Krum I went to Durmstrang.""Colin creevy I died a couple hours ago and my brother Dennis Creevy we Are Gryffindors" "Lavender Brown I'm a Gryffindor." "Parvati patil I'm a Gryffindor." "Padma patil Parvati's Twin and I'm a Ravenclaw." "Cho Chang I'm a Ravenclaw." "Hannah Abbott im a Hufflepuff." "Dean Thomas I'm a Gryffindor." "Seamus Finnigan I'm a Gryffindor." On and on it went introducing everyone from the DA to the order like Kingsley Shacklebolt and his wife, Hestia Jones , Dedulas Diggle, Sturgis podomore,Benji Finwick died beginning of first wizarding war,Elphias Dodge, "Adromeda Tonks my Husband Ted Tonks who died a couple months ago and our grandson Teddy Lupin." I heard someone gasp I whipped my head around to see Tonks and Lupin, staring at their son with love and adoration. Rushing over Teddy's mother plucked her son up and held him in her arms. "Nymphadora?" Questioned her mother in a stunned tone. "Don't call me nymphodora." she said in a weak voice. While they were exchanging tearfilled greetings."I'm Remus Lupin werewolf used to be Hogwarts defense against the dark arts teacher died a couple of hours ago with my wife Nymphadora." "Alastor Mad-Eye Moody died beginning of this year CONSTANT VIGILANCE." He shouted out while pounding his cane on the floor causing several people to jump in shock some fell out of their seats. "Susan Bones I'm a Hufflepuff.""Amelia Bones and my brother Edgar bones and his wife Denise, they died near the end of the first wizarding war and I died last year." A broken sob reached their ears "Mum, Dad, Auntie?" Asked Susan bones while they were meeting again introductions continued, after introducing all susan's Aunts, Uncles, and cousins who died in the first war. "Bathilda bagshot author of history of magic died a couple of months ago." "Billius Weasley died near beginning of first wizarding war." Arthur looked in shock at his long dead brother. "Fabian and Gideon Prewett died near end of first wizarding war." Molly burst into tears, and threw her arms around her long dead twin brothers. "Regulas Black died near end of first wizarding war." Sirius looked deeply astounded. " Frank Bryce muggle died in 1994." Harry looked up in surprise at the muggle man he saw killed in a dream once. "Dorcas Meadows died in the end of first wizarding war." "Cedric Diggory I was a Hufflepuff died in 1994." While everyone from Hogwarts gasped, Cedric's parents appeared out of the crowd and hugged their son to death. No one but me noticed that a raven haired black eyed woman and silver haired silver eyed mad looked outraged at this announcement. "Serenity Lovegood wife of Xenophilius  Lovegood and mother of Luna Lovegood I died in 1989." While her husband greeted her with tears in his eyes Luna introduced herself with her usual dreamy quality, not noticing the longing looks the  four kids that look a lot like the four adults from earlier were giving her. After everyone from my old quidditch team introduced themselves, the next people to come up was a shock for Harry. "Dudley Dursley and my mother Petunia Dursley cousin and aunt of Harry Potter." The golden trio looked up in shock. Everyone else could not believe they were Harry Potter's biological family they look nothing alike. While Lily couldn't believe how different her sister looked. " Neville Longbottom and my grandmother Augustus Longbottom." "My little neville?" Said the voice of Alice Longbottom, Neville  jerked his head up in shock at seeing his parents here fully healthy looking sane with what he believes is his grandfather Francis Longbottom standing next to them, while Augustus went to greet her husband for the first time in a long time the Longbottom's Alice and Frank put their arms around their son for the first time  in a long time. While others around him looked happy for the reunion. "Natalie Longbottom died before I was born." Said a girl that looked a lot like Frank with Alice's eyes "WHAT" Neville Shouted in surprise "Neville honey when we were tortured I was a week pregnant at the time and because of that we lost the baby." Said Alice with pain in her voice, a sad look on her face. Neville met his sister for the first time and hugged her along with her parents."Jean granger and my husband Duncan granger." Hermione looked up in surprise she hadn't realized her parents were here. Does that mean their memories are restored?"Max Granger died of cancer when I was 10." Hermione and her parents looked up in tears of joy, she had told them of her two year older brother who died when she was 8 of a brain tumor. "Hermione Granger I was a Gryffindor." While Hermione greeted her parents and brother with happiness she didn't notice the two people that looked like a king and Queen look at her with hunger. "Molly Weasley wife of Arthur mother of 7 children." "Arthur Weasley husband of Molly and father of 7 children." "Bill Weasley oldest son of Molly and Arthur and husband of Fleur curse breaker for gringotts" "Fleur Weasley  veela wife of bill weasley." Then fleur's parents and sister introduced themselves." Charlie Weasley second oldest son of Molly and Arthur dragon tamer." "Scarlett Gemstone girlfriend of Charlie Weasley accidentally hitched a ride when Charlie got sucked into the portal." She said sheepishly while everyone else chuckled neither of them noticing the heated stares two of the newcomers were giving them. "Percy Weasley third oldest son of Molly and Arthur." "George Weasley was a Gryffindor fifth oldest son of Molly and Arthur." "Fred Weasley was a Gryffindor  george's Older twin died a couple hours ago." While his family hugged him he didn't notice the sad look two of the people were giving him. "Ronald Weasley youngest son of Molly and Arthur was a Gryffindor." The same two people that looked at Hermione stared at Ron in the same way. "Ginny Weasley daughter of Molly and Arthur in Gryffindor first girl born in the Weasley family in generations. "No one noticed when the redhead from earlier stuck his tongue out at the other three as they each gave him three galleons in resignation. "Harry Potter and I was a Gryffindor. Given the horrible moniker the boy who lived as a baby." Seeing the startled worried looks of the newcomers no one recognized gave me for some reason, not understanding why they would be so worried about me. "Newt scamander I was a Hufflepuff author of fantastic Beasts and where to find them from the year 1926 my friends, Jacob kowalski a muggle, Queenie Goldstein and Porpintina Goldstein." " Tom Riddle I come from the year 1942." Several people who recognized the name looked up in alarm."Sirius Black and my girlfriend Marlene McKinnon  died in 1995 this is mine and Marlene's twin son and daughter Reagan Regulas and Evangeline Gwendolyn Black she was pregnant with when she was killed ." Reagan looked just like Sirius with his wavy black and dark gray eyes. While Evangeline looked just like Marlene with her light brown hair with black highlights and and her father's dark gray eyes. " Charlus potter and my wife Dorea potter parents of James potter my brother Fleamont Potter and sister-in-law Euphemia Potter who died of illness ."Dylan Tristen Potter son of Fleamont and Euphemia Potter killed in death eater raid in hogsmeade with my sister Mickeyla Reese Potter." Harry looks surprised he has grandparents, aunts,uncles,and cousins. They look just like James but with blue eyes. "Rose and Edwin Evans parents of Lily and Petunia killed by death eaters in her seventh year."Finally the people I had been waiting for came forward with seven other kids behind them , I wonder who they are? "I am James Potter this my wife Lily Potter killed by Voldemort in 1981 our twin son and daughter Joseph Remus and Joyce Melanie potter we miscarried during a death eater attack before Harry was born"— They both had fiery red hair wavy like Lily's with james's Hazel eyes, the boy wore glasses like Harry  —"This is our other twin daughter and son Matilda Meredith and Mason Jeffrey Potter lily was a week  pregnant with when we were murdered"— they both looked a lot like James with his raven black hair wavy like Lily's and James hazel eyes the boy also wore glasses. —" and Lastly Elijah Charlus, Emerald Dorea and Heaven Drusilla Potter we had at the same time as Harry as a set of quadruplets but were tragically stillborn." The first two had Lily's fiery red hair wild like James's hair and lily's Emerald green eyes,while the last girl looked like a female version of Harry. Harry was opening and closing his mouth repeatedly he could not believe what he was hearing he had siblings for goodness sakes!?!! Walking over to him Joseph and Joyce threw their arms over my shoulders while saying "Nice to finally meet you little brother." Harry spun around and stared accusingly at Remus, Sirius and Dumbledore "why did you guys never tell me about this?" Giving a sad look Sirius answered, "Because you were still grieving the loss of your parents and going through so much with the uprising of Voldemort  I didn't think you would be able to handle knowing you had also lost some siblings as well , was planning to tell you at the end of the school year, but then I died I suppose that's the reason they didn't tell you as well." The other two nodded in agreement. I suddenly felt someone close their arms around me and looked into the eyes of my female carbon copy " it's okay bro we are here now." She Said while her tears soaked through my shirt.

I nodded at him that I forgive him, while rubbing her back , the other potters gather around me and get into a group hug with me in the middle. "I can't wait to find out what you have been up to this year I finally get to find out about my big brother." Said Mason with excitement. "And we can't wait to know the grandchild we never got to see born." Dorea potter Said lovingly while Charlus looked at his grandson he never met with passion, family has always been the most important thing to him.The others nodded excitedly while I wondered how they would handle it when they read how much danger I got into this year. He was so excited to finally have a family.

We eventually all turned to the huge group of people who no one knew while the redhead gave a mysterious smirk and winking at me and Ginny??? What. "Let's get this show on the road shall we you guys are going to be in for a surprise. " He said mischievously. I raised my eyebrows I wonder who they are that will be so surprising. They talk as if their the founders of Hogwarts themselves oh well we'll see in a minute .

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