Arriving between life and death

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                                                                            Harry's POV 

I have just finished talking to the spirits of my parents Lily and James Potter, Sirius and Remus, I had just started the journey of walking to my death through the forbidden Forest on Hogwarts grounds after receiving the startling horrifying news that I was a horcrux and needed to die in order to defeat Voldemort for good , when one of the most baffling things I have ever seen happened, a swirling vortex of energy that kind of reminded me of a time portal appeared out of thin air right in front of me big enough to fit at least 20 people comfortably, giving me a bloody heart attack, I looked at the astonishing sight with a perplexed expression, I looked behind me to see if my parents, Sirius, and Remus are seeing what I am seeing they looked just as confuzzled as I do looking at it with freaked out looks. "Should we approach it?" Asked Sirius with excitement. "NO!!!" Shouted Remus, Lily and James with wariness for the foreign vortex. "Oh come on guys where is your sense of Gryffindor adventure." Asked Sirius while pouting. " It could be dangerous." Said Remus. " who knows what it could do to us especially with my son here?" Asked James in a worried fatherly tone. "I don't want that thing anywhere near my baby!! Harry don't go any closer young man!!!!" Shouted Lily noticing her son getting closer to the swirling pool of possible death. "Relax Mum I'm just going to have a closer look I'm not going to touch it!!!!" Harry explained carefully, even though he was quite thrilled that for a moment he had a mother to discipline him. "He is definitely your son." James and Lily said to each other at the same time, as Remus and Sirius laughed. I was about to retort, when suddenly the vortex grew bigger at an incredibly fast rate, and within a second sucked him in "Harry!!" The others yelled in panick , as a moment later they too got sucked in all of them screaming their heads off, they were so busy with their panic they didn't even notice till they got chucked out of the portal that they had corporeal bodies. Harry hit the ground of the very carpeted floor with a resounding THWACK!! As him and several others hit the floor at the same time with him directly on the bottom of course with his horrible luck. He groaned in pain as he had the weight of at least 16 others on top of  him screaming and yelling at each other "GET YOUR BLOODY FOOT OFF MY FACE WEASLEY." Shouted what sounded like Draco, "WHY DON'T YOU GET YOUR FACE OFF MY FOOT MALFOY." Shouted What sounded eerily like Ron "BLOODY HELL NEVILLE YOU STINK GET YOUR ASS OUT OF MY FACE!" Shouted the thick Irish accent of Seamus Finnigan? "I WOULD FINNIGAN IF THERE WAS NOT 12 OTHERS ON TOP OF ME!!" Screamed Neville in an aggravated grunting tone. "FRED YOU WEIGH A TON GET OFF ME FATARSE!" Shouted George somewhere from the middle, wait Fred? Isn't he dead. "HERMIONE I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING WITH YOUR BOOBS IN MY FACE." Shouted Ginny sassily. I smirked at what my girl said. "GINNY THEN STOP SHOVING YOUR FACE IN MY BREASTS." Hermione viciously retorted at record speed, causing me to snort , Harry doesn't think the other's heard over everyone else's screaming and yelling, "PRONGS I CAN'T FEEL MY BODY." Said Sirius melodramatically wait another dead person is here, "NEITHER CAN I PADFOOT NEITHER CAN I." Said his dad? WHAT!?!? "QUIT COMPLAINING YOU TWO WE ARE ALL STUCK HERE." Said Remus in exasperation. "YOU THREE IDIOTS QUIT ARGUING AND GET the HELL OFF MY SON YOUR CRUSHING HIM!" Yelled his mother in annoyance.  Suddenly a very loud booming voice echoed throughout the room overpowering everyone else's voices of I don't even know how many people are here, like a sonorous spell almost. "EVERYONE CALM THE HELL DOWN AND SIT DOWN SO YOU CAN FIGURE OUT WHAT IS GOING ON." So does that mean the mysterious person knows what is going on. Everyone froze instantaneously and grew very quiet .   "Now get up those of you on the floor NOW!!" Said a silky smooth as honey voice that sent pleasurable shivers down my spine. One by one everyone got up at a painfully slow pace and is taking their damn time I thought . When everyone was finally off me I couldn't move at all no matter how much I tried my whole body had fallen asleep. Right when I was about to ask for help a pair of very very muscular arms picked me up off the floor as if I was lighter then a feather,  and held me in their arms that felt like they are made of bronze , making me look up in gratitude to only have my mouth fall open in shock the hottest man I have ever seen stared down at me with concern, adoration and love? What I must be imagining the last two. He was at least 6'2 with a nice mocha sun kissed bronze tan had the fieryest reddest hair I had ever seen it was even more noticeable then any of the weasley's Or my mother's, and the greenest eyes like the sea itself. Once I realized I was gaping at him I closed my mouth not wanting anyone to know I was bisexual. " Are you okay ? My Little adorable kitten." Asked muscleman with affection, in a gruff deep growling tone. I blushed as everyone who heard burst out laughing, I looked to the side as an distraction and the girl I loved Ginny was in the same predicament in a different man's arms who was just as attractive. He had the palest skin, the blackest hair I had ever seen with the most piercing blue eyes from the sharpest icicles ever, he smirked at me and Ginny giving us a wink causing us to look away in embarrassment. I heard 4 other chuckles from four different people, before I had time to check who it was I heard Albus Dumbledore Himself say" Could you kindly put the children down so we can figure out what is going on here." How many deceased people are here exactly!?!? Both men sighed painfully as if even the thought of putting us down will cause them great pain. After reluctantly setting us down both me and Ginny looked confused at each other we couldn't fathom why these random men we have never met before would be acting that way. 

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