Explaining who we are

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                                                      Salazar's POV 

Albus Dumbledore came forward first.

"Alright you guys are the only ones here I do not recognize which correct me if I am wrong born before the 1800's?"he asked in a grandfatherly tone. Some of the audience(because that is what everyone is acting like) gasped whether because of how old Dumbledore must be or because they could not believe we were actually born before the 1800's Salazar didn't know and he didn't care. "Yes we sure are" Stated Eric in a playful tone. "Would you just say who you are so we can get this done with already?" Mad-eye Moody Shouted gruffly. "Now now Alastor no need to be rude , Why don't you tell us what year you guys are from ? what your names are ? and why you are here? because I already know why everyone else is  here to read the book." 

Merlin takes charge bringing his staff suddenly out of thin air as he talks causing a few to jump back startled though some people like the Potters, Longbottoms,Weasleys,Prewetts, Malfoys, Bones, Blacks and Grangers look intrigued.Dumbledore just looks amused and delighted, Ariana claps her hands in joy. When it is in his hand his eyes flare with power he crackles with magical energy and his hair stands on end (it could rival any Potter)making the golden red or bronzish highlights more pronounced.

"This may come as a shock but we come from the year 1016 A.D." Merlin explained to everyone's astonishment causing jaws to drop to their amusement."That was a thousand years ago!! Do you know  what you could tell us? how is it like living during the Middle Ages and historical witch hunts? Did you go to Hogwarts when it was first built? Have you met the founders or Merlin himself? Have you met King Arthur and Queen Gwendolyn or been to Camelot have you met the knights at the round table?" Hermione said this without breathing all very fast she probably would have gone on forever if Ron thankfully hadn't put his hand over her mouth. "We will get to that in a little bit little lady." Said Arthur in a flirty charming tone making her blush , he probably couldn't help it since she was one of his mates. I know I couldn't around Ginny or Harry. "We will first explain who we are and then tell why we are here with you guys." Merlin calmly simplified it for everyone lingering for a moment on Ginny and Harry, nobody noticed but the founders Melody and Dumbledore who got a curious twinkle in his eye. 

Viper and Hazel approached first . Viper was pale had dark blonde hair to his ears and red eyes, while Hazel had blackish brownish hair with deep hazel eyes which she was named after."Hello " he greeted in a drawling voice that could rival any Malfoy or Snape. "I am Viper Vladimir and this is my wife." He pointed at her. Hermione and several bookworms raised an eyebrow " Like the Viper Vladimir that revealed vampires to the muggle world?" Asked Remus incredulously. We all looked at him with exasperation he blushed lightly. "Well I haven't done it yet." He protested "But you will." Hazel smacked him. " Greetings I'm Hazel Vladimir née Rosenberg." Hazel explained sassily. Next up came Keith and Angel. Keith was tall, tan with blackish reddish hair and unique swirling vortex eyes while Angel was quite small with spiky golden blonde hair with a golden skin tone and gold eyes. "Hey I'm Keith Masterson and this is my wife"  Keith jerked his head at her while glaring at the boys drooling over his wife who was bouncing up and down excitedly "Hello I'm Angel Masterson née Lighthouse and im so excited to be here." She squealed.After she was calmed by Eric he and bunny came next. Eric was tall with wavy brown hair and white glowing eyes his wife had dark ginger hair and orangish pinkish eyes."Wat up? Young peeps I'm Eric Diamondson I'm a huge prankster we are going to have a lot of fun I'll see you later." A couple people chuckled while the resident pranksters looked very interested. "Great meeting everyone I'm Bernice Diamondson née Sunset call me bunny." She explained cheerfully in a friendly tone. Next up came Ian and Morgana, Ian was muscular with long silver hair and bright silver eyes, his wife was the opposite, slender and beautiful with long raven black hair and black eyes with brown specks. "Hello everyone I'm Ian Silverman and this my beautiful wife I can't live without." Some people swooned. When Morgana spoke next I know some people will be in for a shock"Hello" She greeted with a luscious sexy tone causing several males to groan "I don't know what horrible things must be written your history books about me but I swear I'm good now and would never do anything to hurt any of you I'm Morgana Silverman née Le Fey." Several people's jaws dropped even further in shock or sat up straight in their seat. " if you don't mind my lady could you do an unbreakable vow to not hurt anyone not that I don't believe you just for the safety of the children." Dumbledore asked in a very serious voice. Merlin spoke up for her "No need headmaster after Morgana changed we took precautions to make sure she was truly good again and won't cause harm again. If she She hurts anyone with evil intent she will lose her magic and life." Everyone nodded reassuringly especially the parents, while Dumbledore realized who he must be and his eyes widened for a second. Arthur and Gwendolyn came forward next , Arthur is 6'1 very muscular from sword fighting all the time with golden blonde hair and sea blue eyes while Gwen is a couple inches shorter dark skinned with a golden brown tan, with long curly brown hair to her back and dark chocolate brown eyes, "Lovely to meet all of you ladies, gentlemen, boys , girls, and and any other living creature here"— he said with sarcasm causing Gwen to roll her eyes—"I Am King Arthur Pendragon  Of Camelot Ruler of Camelot and and Married to the Lovely Gwen." Several fell out of their seats and faceplanted on the floor or choked on air in shocking astoundment. "Hello I know I'm not as dramatic as Arthur , greetings everyone I'm Queen Gwendolyn Pendragon Ruler of Camelot." Not knowing what to do in the presence of royalty everyone started getting on their hands and knees bowing. "No No none of that we are not here to be a king and queen we are here to relax like I tell my friends outside of Camelot treat me and my wife like any other friend." His friends nodded to show that was true.Dumbledore's eyes Twinkled merrily.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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