Chapter 1

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Kara looked around her new office that Cat Grant had just given her. It was blank with no windows, but the hallway just outside did have a door leading to one of the balconies on the building that allowed employees to eat outside without having to leave the building. It was perfect. It was almost as if Cat knew she was Supergirl. A secluded office with easy access to the outside. Kara smiled and shook her head before unpacking her belongings.

"Wow, nice office Kara." Winn smiled as he peered into the office, large grin on his face. "I'm surprised Cat gave this to you."

"I know." Kara was still in a light state of sock. She'd spent the last two years of her life devoted to one of the most powerful women in the country. She wasn't sure what to do with herself now.

"I'm glad you're moving up and that she sees the potential you have outside of being her handmaiden." Winn snarked, moving to help her unpack her things. "I can also get a work order started on getting you a few more pieces of furniture for in here."

"That would be great Winn." Kara beamed at her best friend. "Maybe a chair for if someone visits and a nice char for me too. Maybe a bookshelf. Oh, and a plant. A plant would be really nice."

"Not to mention some pictures. No offense Kara, but this place is kinda dull."

Kara was busy digging in her box of belongings to notice that her and Winn weren't alone. Her mind was racing with dozens of ideas on what to do with her new space and what she wanted to do within the company. She had three days to figure it out. Winn's elbow in her ribs made her look up. Standing in the doorway was someone she never thought she would see again.

"Barry!" Kara quickly moved to hug the man in front of her. He looked exactly the same in dark slim fit jeans and white tee under a dark blue flannel shirt. He had a big dopey smile on his face and his eyes were bright with laughter. Feeling him hug her back was the best thing in the world, the happiness in her nearly drowning her. It was just like the last time she saw him, only happier.

"What are you doing here man?" Winn came up and fist bumped the fastest man they had ever met. Kara moved back, putting an acceptable distance between her and Barry. It was the last thing she wanted though. She wanted to curl up in his arms and enjoy having him back in her life, no matter how long he was back.

Kara didn't admit it to anyone, and barely admitted it to herself, but she had missed Barry terribly when he left. It was like he had taken part of her with him to his Earth. She had never met anyone like him, a hero who knew what it was like to be a hero, who was remotely close to her age. Kal and J'onn were the only two that she knew about. Barry, and his alter ego the Flash, had made her foolish heart want something that she knew she couldn't have. Kara, however, had gotten good at hiding her feelings over the years. She swallowed her half formed dreams and moved on. Now Barry was back, and Kara had a feeling that it might not be a good thing.

The grin on Barry's face dropped, showing them the severity of the situation. Winn looked at Kara with concern, a knot forming in her stomach.

"Is there somewhere we can talk?"

The DEO was the only place Kara could think of that would be secure enough for them to talk. Winn, much to his embarrassment, was being carried bridal style by Kara as she flew to the base outside National City, Barry zipping along on the ground below her.

"Remind me why I had to come again?" Winn asked Kara as they approached the base. His arms were crossed, holding his tie down from slapping her in the face. With a grin Kara rolled her eyes.

"Because, I may be smarter that the average human, but Barry is a genious and I need my own super nerd to help translate things I don't understand." Kara laughed changing trajectory to land softly on the ground and set her friend on his feet. "Besides, how could I deny you the opportunity to fanboy over your second favorite superhero?"

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