Chapter 7

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"So this is what flying is like?" Barry laughed from where Kara was holding him against her chest. His arms were wrapped around her waist, cowl down and flapping in the wind.

"It's my second favorite thing in the whole world." Kara replied with a smile. In one hand she was holding a canvas bag and was curved around Barry, the other arm out to steady herself.

The two of them were officially on vacation. It was the first time they had any length of time together, uninterrupted, since they began their relationship. Kara wanted to take him to the Danvers to meet her parents and spend time on the uninhabited barrier islands off the coast of their home. They were a safe place for her to practice her powers and get away when things got tough. There was also a wild beauty about them that reminded her of her home planet.

"What's your first favorite thing?" he asked, lips tickling her ear. She shivered with a grin.

"Spending time with this meta-human who wears a scarlet onesie and runs really fast."

"It's not a onesie, it doesn't have the feet attached."

They laughed and goaded each other in fun as Midvale approached. It was a small ocean side town, full of sleepy little houses and businesses. It was a good place to grow up, if you weren't an alien refugee having to deal with the sudden onset of powers that no one else had. Kara was glad for the distance from the city; it gave her plenty of room to grow into her powers. Giving the town a wide berth Kara made her way to her childhood home. Lightly her and Barry landed in the back yard as Kara called out,

"Mom, we're here."

The back door opened and an older version of Kara stepped onto the back porch. Kara will admit that Kal did a good job in placing her with the Danvers; she looked like she was Eliza's blood daughter. The other woman smiled and motioned for them to come inside.

"Hi sweetie." Kara sank into her mother's arms, loving the feeling of warmth and safety that wrapped around her. "I'm glad you made it without any issues. Is this him?"

Laughing Kara reached out and took Barry's hand in hers, gently pulling him closer. Not that he was very far from her anyways, enjoying his role of boyfriend. His fingers laced through hers, squeezing gently. Every touch he gave her, from the every day to the more intimate, made Kara fall more and more in love with him every time.

"Hi!" The brunette smiled his best mega watt smile, holding out his hand to shake. "I'm Barry. Kara has told me a lot about you."

"Likewise." Eliza grinned back. "Fastest man alive? I think Clark would have something to say about that."

"Mom -"

"With all due respect, is he fast enough to punch through dimensional barriers to hop parallel universes?" To anyone else, it would have sounded like Barry was boasting, but Kara knew he was doing nothing more than stating a fact.

"Multiverse?" Eliza's scientific mind began running wild. "So that's true?"

"Absolutely. That's how Kara and I met."

"Before we get into the story, can we change clothes?" Kara spoke up as the three of them went inside. "I love my suit, but I do get tired of wearing it."

"Of course." Eliza nodded. "Barry can have the guest room down here."


"What?" Now she was using her mom voice. Not good.

"We were kinda hoping we could stay in the guest house out back." Kara fidgeted with the end of her cape. "That way if we get a call we won't disturb you or Dad."

"What about me?" A male voice drifted from the den. Jeremiah Danvers stepped into the kitchen and stopped seeing the two heros standing there in full costume. Kara knew Barry was doing a double take. Jeremiah looked like one would expect Clark Kent to look like in about twenty years. Tall, dark though going silver at the temples, and strikingly handsome.

"Hi Daddy." Kara bounced over to hug the man, glad to see him after so many months in National City.

"Hello pumpkin." He kissed her forehead before turning a stern gaze to Barry who shifted. "Who's the guy in the suit?"

"He's that meta-human from Central City." Eliza said. "You know, the Flash."

"Call me Barry." He shook Jeremiah's hand and Kara knew they were testing each other's strength. "Honored to meet you Mr. Danvers."

"They are taking a vacation from the city." Eliza spoke up again, moving to take the bag from Kara. Barry was quicker though.

"You might not want to Mrs. Danvers." The scarlet speedster chuckled. "Kara packed every piece of clothing she owns."

"I did not!" Kara stamped her foot softly, loving the fact that he liked to pick on her. He wasn't afraid of her and she loved it.

"Did too. I watched you do it."

Eliza rolled her eyes with a smile.

"The kids want to stay out at the guest house, that way if they get a call they won't disturb us."

"Makes sense." Kara couldn't believe her ears. Her father was agreeing to her sharing a room with Barry? Alone? Away from the main house? The Jeremiah Danvers of her universe would never have agreed to something like that. She wondered if it was part of the duplicates having merged when the universes did.

"Ok." Kara shrugged mentally. "Barry and I will unpack and change. We'll be back for lunch in just a bit."

"We were thinking about going into town to the cafe." Jeremiah said. "Is that ok with you?"

"Works for us." Barry replied. Kara knew that they would go out and eat, and then once they got back to the house, they would eat again while conversing with Eliza and Jeremiah. It was one of the drawbacks to being an alien or a speedster; they needed a lot of fuel to keep going.

Once in the guest house Barry plopped into a chair with a sigh.

"That went better than I thought."

"Just you wait, the third degree comes later after we come back from town." Kara unclipped her cape and turned her back to Barry. "Help me?"

Kara had no problem getting herself in and out of her suit, but she adored having him help her, feeling his big hands so warm next to her skin. She pulled her hair over her shoulder as she felt him stand and move closer. Soon the back of her suit gaped open, allowing for the press of warm moist lips to her spine. Barry's hands slipped around her waist under the suit, pulling her close. The feel of his Flash symbol against her back shocked her with it's coldness.

"I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to tonight." Barry's voice had gotten dark and deep, sending a shiver down her spine. "No calls. No hero business. No roommates. Just you and me."

Kara couldn't wait either.

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