Chapter 9

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Life continued after the vacation Kara and Barry took, but it was a new world to Kara. Her normally bubbly mood was practically effervescent, completely happy and in love. Her work life was also improving, a fair number of her pieces becoming critically acclaimed while everyone wanted to know how she knew Supergirl. She finally spun the tale that her cousin Clark Kent had introduced her to both Superman and Supergirl, telling half truths. When pressed she told the fictional story of how the heroes had saved both of them in the past. Luckily, there were enough vague details that people bought it and moved on.

They moved on to the Flash, ironically enough. He had been showing up more and more frequently in National City to help Supergirl. Even the Green Arrow had shown up a few times when things got particularly nasty. Usually Oliver and Barry would help out when Kal was busy with protecting Metropolis. It was almost surreal to Kara to watch and listen to the stories about her friends, to know the truth behind the misinformed information.

It was after one of these team ups that Kara, Barry, Oliver, Alex, Winn and J'onn were all in Kara's apartment. Pizza, Chinese, Mexican, you name it, they had it. They had all worked hard and deserved a relaxing night. Kara loved nights like this, being surrounded by the love of everyone in her life. It was even sweeter with Barry right beside her, laughter in his eyes.

"I will admit, I've seen Barry eat, and there is no way anyone can eat as much as him." Oliver scoffed as they all circled the bar, filling up their plates. Everyone laughed and Kara felt the tips of her ears begin to burn.

"Yeah, there is." Alex put in as Winn nodded his head. "You should have grown up with her. On Thanksgiving, we would have two turkeys. One for the family and one for Kara."

"Don't forget the pie." Kara piped up, settling down with her first overflowing plate. Barry sat down beside her and everyone joined them.

"A whole turkey?" Oliver shook his head. "Barry, you just love making my life weirder and weirder."

The night was full of laughter and sharing stories. Kara got more glimpses into the relationship that could only be described as a bromance between her boyfriend and Oliver Queen. She was also pleasantly surprised at how well the two outsiders meshed with her family. It was like the group had always been together, saving the world and having weekly dinner. Her heart was full of happiness. In the end, there was no food left, only clean up.

"Oliver, you can stay in the guest bedroom." Kara told the dark clad man as he pulled his quiver over his shoulder. "You don't have to head back this late."

"Besides, Felicity would kill me if you didn't make it home in one piece." Barry added after the others had left.

Oliver crossed his arms and attempted to stare the two younger heroes down, but in the end, he gave up. It was Kara's puppy dog eyes that really did him in, and she knew it. Oliver had been wrapped around her finger since she had first met him. It was a superpower that she was careful not to exploit knowing Oliver was very prideful and stubborn. She also laughed when Barry raced to the other side of the couch and lifted two duffel bags.

"Felicity knew it would be late when we wrapped things up, so she packed you an overnight bag." The grin on Barry's face was smug as he handed the bag to Oliver. The older man walked off grumbling under his breath, making both Kara and Barry laugh.

"He's so whipped." Barry returned from setting his bag in Kara's bedroom, joining her on the couch. Kara curled up next to him, resting her head on his shoulder with a smile.

"Takes one to know one." She replied softly. She could hear Oliver moving about the guest bathroom before the shower came on.

"Hey!" Barry shook his head. "I am willingly whipped by the most beautiful woman in the whole universe."

"The whole universe?" She smiled up at him, leaning back and watching him follow her across the cushions. They were soon laying across the couch, Kara under Barry. He cocked an eyebrow and nodded.

"Yeah, and I've been to several, so I should know." He dipped his head and ran his nose up her breastbone and across her collarbone.

"You smell delicious." His voice was like velvet. "I've missed you these last few days." Kisses peppered her neck.

Kara was almost purring at the desire beginning to hum in her blood. She was addicted to her scarlet speedster, and she loved every minute. Lifting her face to his she captured his sexy lips with hers. Their kisses were slow and deep, pulling her out of herself and into him. She felt their souls merging into a bright ball of light, beautiful and utterly right. She loved the weight of him on her, comforting and warm. His hair was thick and silky under her fingers. Kara was so lost in him that she didn't hear the shower shut off or the door to the spare room open.

"Guys!" Oliver scolded. The two lovers jumped apart, peering over the back of the couch. Oliver stood in the hallway wearing sweatpants, arms crossed. "When you have guests, DO NOT do that on the couch."

Kara knew her face was flaming red as Barry sat up and ran his hand through his already messy hair. She was thankful they hadn't gotten as far as removing clothing. She watched Oliver stalk to the refrigerator, open it, retrieve a bottle of water and retreat to the guest room. He was still grumbling under his breath.

"So, tomorrow?" Barry stood and held out a hand to her. Kara took it and let him pull her up into his arms. She snuggled close with a nod.

"Yeah. Tomorrow is good." She whispered before they turned out the lights and got ready for bed. Dressed in pajamas they both settled into her bed, sharing kisses and drifting off to sleep.

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