Chapter 2

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Kara was stunned. Earth 1 and Earth 3 were now the same Earth in the same universe? She didn't think something like that was possible. The proof was sitting in front of her though, in the form of the attractive brunette speedster in red. Just having him sitting close to her was enough to send a thrill through her, but she forced it down, focusing on the issue at hand. Barry being back couldn't be definitive proof that their worlds has merged together, it could simply be he hopped worlds again. She also knew though that the green eyed man had no reason to lie to them.

Did that mean Krypton was still out there somewhere? Did it even exist in this universe? Was Kal in this universe? Scared to know the answer she pulled her cell phone out of its secured pocket and sent a text to her cousin.

'Hey little cousin, how are things in the big city?'

Kara phrased it to where he wouldn't think something was wrong and would fly all the way to the DEO and pound Barry to a pulp. She could hear the others talking around her, but she wasn't focused on them. For once she turned down her super hearing, needing time to think without distraction.

Should she try and find her home planet? Would Kal want to find it? They both had adapted to the lives they lived now, but it would be nice to know if their heritage still lived on. Her parents might still be alive. Astra might even still be alive. Non, however, would still be alive. Kara frowned, not wanting to go through the fight with her uncle again.

Her phone buzzed and Kal replied,

'Hey sunshine! Everything as usual for both Clark and the superhero. U OK?'

Relief made her slump in the chair, letting the breath that she was holding out. Slightly dizzy from lack of oxygen she let a small smile slip though as she replied back to Kal. She only called him Clark around people who didn't know his real identity. To her he would always be little Kal, his eyes bright and his smile contagious before having been forced to leave Krypton.

'Yeah. I just wanted to touch base. I haven't talked to you in a few days.'

"Kara?" Alex asked, making the woman look up. The group was watching her, making Kara feel like squirming. Hank had a knowing look on his face, likely knowing exactly where her first concern would be. Barry though, his face looked haunted. The cocky self assurance wasn't in his face, but concern and fear. Kara hated seeing him like that, and she wished she knew how to make things better. Like before though, he had told her brute strength doesn't always fix the problem. Sometimes brains won the day, other times all that would fix things was time.

"I was texting Kal. I needed to make sure he made it across to this earth." Kara replied, voice shaking with emotion. "He's here thank Rao."

"He would be here no matter what." Barry said, reaching across to squeeze her hand. With a watery smile she squeezed back, glad to have the sweet man back in her life. Still holding her hand he continued,

"As far as I can tell, nothing and no one has been erased. Things that existed in both worlds simply merged. Things that were unique to each world began existing side by side." He squeezed once more before releasing her hand and addressing the rest of the group. Kara's hand felt cold without his. She frowned in confusion.

"Only people who have had direct contact with me would know something has changed, and even then, they would likely shrug and go about their day. It was fortunate I was only here a few days, but apparently it was long enough to change reality."

"Is there nothing we can do to change things back?" Lucy asked, arms crossed over her chest. She was looking out for the interests of the DEO, wanting to know if there were going to be even more threats now that the meta-human world had merged with the alien world.

Irrationally Kara didn't want to go back to the way things were. Kal, Alex and the rest of her friends and family were here and they were safe. She saw no reason to try and go back. She also didn't want to give Barry up; even if she didn't actively acknowledge it. She shied away from the feelings that were beginning to form, knowing that the time wasn't right to try and pursue something with the scarlet meta-human. Barry looked back at her and she felt something jump between them, a link of some sorts. It was light and intangible, but there nonetheless.

"I don't think there is a way to reverse it." Barry shook his head, leaning back in his chair in a relaxed manner. Weariness showed on his face, but so did resolve.

"So you mean we have to adjust to a new reality?" Alex asked grumpily. It made Kara smile. Her sister never did like change very much, It had taken her nearly a year to warm up to Kara.

"It won't be that bad." Winn spoke up, angling to see the screen better in front of them. "Yes, some cities names have changed and a few new ones have popped up, but it looks seamless enough. There haven't been any earthquakes or volcanic eruptions signaling a massive change to the planet."

Kara watched as Barry scooted his chair closer to her, allowing Winn access to the console. Her best friend began typing away, muttering to himself as he tended to do. The man in the chair next to her leaned over and said softly,

"Does he always do that?"

"Yeah. The only thing Winn is completely confident in is technology." Kara murmured back as Winn pulled up different resources, checking Barry's claims. "After all, he did design and build my suit."

Kara caught a whiff of Barry. It was a combination of ozone from the lightning that surrounded him when he ran, the synthetic smell of his suit and then something warm that was all Barry. It wrapped around her and made her feel safe. The two heros leaned until their shoulders touched, drawn to each other like magnets. Before when he had been in National City, Kara had kept her distance, trying to not let the man with the charming smile, bright eyes and alluring voice into her heart. Now, Kara didn't feel the need to keep him at an arms length.

"Really?" The scarlet speedster grinned, leaning closer as he bumped her shoulder with his. "He did a good job. I'm almost jealous that he got to get his hands on you."

Blushing furiously Kara glared at the grinning man.

"It wasn't and isn't like that between us."

"Good. Then I don't have to worry about competition." Barry's eyes danced and his smile was pure sin. Luckily Winn saved her from coming up with a rebuttal.

"Barry's theory checks out." Winn waved his hand at the screen. "I'll have to dig deeper to see what the more lasting effects are, but for right now what he said is true. There are more cities, but not really a huge population jump planet wide. People that are alive on both Earths basically merged into one. The best way I can describe it is people might have a sense of deja vu, or dreams they can't explain, but other than the random look alike, there are no duplicates of anyone or anything."

"So what do we do now?" Hank asked, J'onn ready to defend and protect his two girls from anything and everything if he had to.

"I guess we just stay alert. With the two realities merging, that means the ratio of bad guys has gone up." Kara knew there really wasn't much they could do.

"Yes, but keep in mind, the number of good guys has also gone up. You can your cousin aren't the only heros now. You've got all the ones from my world now too." Barry added as he stood, pulling his cowl back over his head and eyes. Grabbing a piece of paper he jotted down some numbers before handing it to Winn.

"These are how you can contact me. Top number is my cell, second connects directly to my comm in the suit. I hate to crash the party and run, but I need to get back to Central City."

"Thank you for giving us the warning of what has happened Flash." Lucy shook the man's hand. "We'll keep in touch and let you know if we have any issues."

"Don't worry. Now that we are in the same universe, I'll be around." With a wink at Kara Barry was gone, lightning trailing after him.

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