Chapter 2

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As I made my way to the market, I held the ring out in front of me. 

I stood still for a moment to admire it, turning it this way and that to see the gold glimmering in the light. I had never seen real gold up close. I had never stolen something so precious before, neither had anyone ever even thought to give me such an expensive gift. Darn, it truly was beautiful. Then came the thought, maybe I should keep it for myself... 

I realised I was biting my lip, when I tasted the metalic droplet of blood.

'Oh, Penelope. You really went and did it this time, didn't you?' I silently thought to myself.

I took a deep breath, willing myself to get my priorities straight. Wasn't this just the best example of adulthood? Why I ever had the urgency to grow up so quickly, I did not know. It was much more blissful to enjoy one's youth while others still fought for your rights. 

I heard the sound of horses' hooves approaching as it hit the ground, pulling a carriage behind them. I could even hear the pebbles shooting up behind it. I turned my head to see a fancy carriage speedily approaching.

I couldn't help but frown when I noticed the driver staring rather rudely at me. Alright, maybe I would have done the same had I walked in on the scene the man had just rode in on. I had to admit, it was rather comical.

A lady in a puffy wedding gown, in the middle of the road, holding out a ring in front of her. From the silly smile on his face, I realised he must have found me rather amusing, so I quickly lowered my hand and clenched the ring in my fist. I felt my cheeks heat up. How embarrassing...

I saw the curious stares of two older ladies peeking through the curtain of the carriage as it passed by. How naughty the elderly could be at times... Were they fighting each other to get to the window? I held back a smile.  The curtain was swiftly drawn closed when they realised that I could see them too. 

When the carriage finally passed, I became aware of the imprint the ring was making in my hand and I loosened my grip. I felt the smile return to my face, thinking about the old ladies. I hoped Andrea and I would be silly like them when we were older.

When I inhaled a deep breath of thick, sooty London air, I knew that I had arrived at my destination. Goodness, I couldn't remember it being this hard. The whole thing with William was supposed to be over quickly. Why could I still remember the way his face had fallen a few hours ago?

I looked down at my gown again. It had nearly been ruined by the filth of the journey, but there was simply no time to change. I took another deep breath and continued making my way to the town centre. So much for selling the dress. I tried to reason with myself... The dress had probably been ruined from the beginning. Yes, I was surely sparing someone from this atrocity.

The market was still buzzing with life for the time of day. Tall buildings stood either side of me, carriages were passing by, horse manure lay everywhere, little Jimmy was on his post, begging on the corner of the street. 

"Good morning, Jimmy," I said as I passed him. Everyone knew Jimmy - and he knew everyone. It was him that had led to my acquaintance with William in the first place.

He tipped his dilapidated little hat with a smile, "Good morning, Penelope.".

I made my way to a particular block of shabby buildings. The smell of coal and filth reached my nose as I neared a particular wooden door which stood partially open. I pushed it open even further and braced myself as a familiar wave of steam hit me in the face.

The washerwomen moved around the small, dim-lit room like oiled machines as they worked to clean piles of laundry that had been dropped off by numerous middle and upper class citizens.

I noticed Mrs Frederick beating a particular piece of linen which was soaking in hot water.

 "Good day Mrs Frederick," I greeted politely.

Mrs Frederick looked up at the sound of her name. Upon spotting me, she gave me a motherly smile. "Penelope," and when she noticed my attire, "My dear! What are you wearing?" She frowned. "My Dear, is that a wedding gown you're wearing?". 

I bit my lip... How would I explain my latest dealings? 

Mrs Frederick laughed and wiped away the sweat on her brow, "I'd rather not know. I see you're still up to your old tricks." She chuckled, revealing her toothless smile. Apparently, child bearing had done that to her. I shuddered, not for me, thank you. "Are you looking for Andrea? She went to bargain with the shopkeeper. She's had her eye on a new dress for a while now... Although, it isn't truly new, but you know what I mean don't you, Dear."

Just then, Mr Robert caught my eye as he was talking to what I presumed to be one of his employees. He was just the man that I was looking for.

"Excuse me, Mrs Frederick, I was just looking for Mr Robert."

She frowned at that. "Mr Robert? Again, Penelope? What is it that the two of you are up to?" I could hear her distaste for him. He was obviously not a good employer. Just by the looks of the workspace, he didn't care a lot about his employees. As long as he made a good profit, all was well in his world.

I had once asked if there were any opportunities to work as a washerwoman, but Mr Robert had made it very clear that there were none. It was a sought-after job and I had not the experience, neither did he have the time to teach me the "tricks of the trade".  Apparently it was quite the complicated job. What nonsense.

For a wage of a mere 2 shillings and 8 pence a day (which Mr Robert presumed to be quite generous), I was better off working for myself anyway. Well, were thieves considered to be self employed?

That day, Mr Robert had given me a tobacco-stained smirk and made me another offer; one I could hardly refuse and one I had been cuffed to for the years that followed.

"My dear, there is no work here. And even if there were, I would advise you to seek it elsewhere. This is no place for a fine thing such as yourself. Stay away from him Penelope, he is a deceitful man." Mrs Frederick had advised back then already, but I did not listen.

And as much as I would have liked to stay away from him, I knew I had no other choice. Mrs Frederick had five children to sustain. Her little home could barely house two people, all of them sharing one very crowded room. There certainly wasn't any place for me to try and squeeze myself into their already crowded home - even though Mrs Frederick had extended the offer to me multiple times before.

I noticed that Mr Robert had spotted me from across the room as well. His smirk was ever so nasty and evil. He was a tall, thin man, with bony features and a long neck. 

"Apologies, Mrs Frederick, please excuse me," I offered her an apologetic look and made my way over to Mr Robert.

"Be careful, Dear!" I heard Mrs Frederick warning from behind me. I turned briefly to offer her a tight-lipped smile. I could not make any promises.

Mr Robert led me to his office and shut the door behind him to avoid tempting any itching ears. He sat down behind his desk and waved a hand for me to come closer, as was our ritual by now. I walked over to his desk, but remained standing as there were no chairs to sit on.

"Miss Wilde." He greeted me curtly, eyeing my interesting choice of garments. He clearly did not approve. 

"Alright, Miss Wilde, tell me... Have you brought me what I asked for?" He smirked and touched his fingers together, waiting for my reply.


Please leave a comment and tell me what you think about this chapter!

Signed Lady E

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