Tunnel Vision

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A gentle tug on the couplers followed the weary whistle from the steam locomotive. The slow, but deliberate departure from the station left the platform in the past, along with their worries. That was the idea, at least.

He convinced her this was what they needed. A relaxing ride across the countryside. Between the lost luggage, botched hotel reservations, and a steady diet of inclement weather, this wasn't the ideal way to celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.

He reached over and wrapped his hand around hers. His wrinkles traced a seamless path toward hers, a sign of shared battle scars endured as a couple over the years. The memories of an unconceived child, despite their persistent attempts, weighed heavily on their fatigued hearts. A resilient pair, each cherished the opportunity to be an alternating source of strength in their marriage. With their plans for a perfect holiday crumbling to pieces around them, it was his turn.

The gentle sway of the open car and the cool autumn breeze assuaged his anxieties. With his elevated pulse subsiding, he leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek. She gazed into his eyes and smiled. They exchanged no words, but the message was unmistakable.

The grating metallic sound and abrupt deceleration pulled their attention from the silent conversation.

Other passengers shuffled in their seats with unrest. The unplanned stop found the train in an enveloping darkness. A damp, musty smell leaked from the tunnel walls and permeated the senses. The murmur of voices in the black void escalated, along with the distressing cries from children and their vivid imaginations. In his peripheral vision, he discerned a pinpoint of light that shouldn't have been there.

Taking her hand, still intertwined with his, he led her through the dark aisle with confidence toward the blossoming glow. With each step, the source grew more luminous. A portal to another world. Together, they stepped over the threshold, darkness transforming into radiant brightness, reminiscent of a fairy tale.

The edges of the dirt pathway stretched out before them, meeting at the horizon. Framed by the arch of trees, limbs reached to connect overhead, creating a canopy of protection from adversity. The stale odor from the stone walls transformed into an intoxicating scent of blooming gardenias. In this world, there was no pain. No burden. Only love.

Feeling the ground give way beneath her, she wrapped her free hand around his waist. She danced with him, swaying to and fro in the most glorious ballroom at the turn of the century. It was then she heard the misplaced echo of a whistle and sensed natural light flooding the interior of the train carriage.

As the locomotive lurched forward, his baby blues locked on her hazel eyes. He offered a smile. She returned one as if bobbing a curtsy to thank him for the dance.

The darkest tunnel would never dampen the flame of passion burning inside them.

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