The Oocrspin and the Orfg

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It's twi in the Margreave

The howlins are frippered

The wodden is full of zeeth

and still and silent is the river

The Orfg waits therein

Slick and green and moamed

For the Oocrspin

Hard and red and quoamed

Together, they galoof and whillip

The Oocrspin and The Orfg palazin through the river

Together, they paroof and thillip

The Oocrspin and The Orfg horenock through the river

Then, the dite turns and the Oocrspin knows

He stabs the Orfg to end the dame

All is umidus and so stops their strokes

After such cadilup, only 4 things stay the same:

It's twi in the Margreave

The howlins are frippered

The wodden is full of zeeth

and still and silent is the river

AN: This was from a high school assignment where we needed to tell a story with nonsensical words. I'm sure all of you can tell who I'm writing about. (Oocrspin and Orfg are both anagrams of their original names).

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