Hey, Scorps

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"Hey Scorps," she groans tiredly as she rises before the sun

"Hey Doll," he replies warmly, knowing another long day has begun

Off to film they go

After hours of hair and makeup, they're ready for the show

"Hey Scorps!" she shouts, beckoning him to set piece she stood in

"Hey Doll," he joins her in time for the scene to begin

Today, her hair is straight and outfit lush

He tells her she looks beautiful and she begins to blush

"Hey Scorps," she grins tiredly, the day half past

"Hey Doll," he laughs at her tired state as they go off to have lunch with the cast

Despite all the noise and wonderful people around them

The two only have eyes for each other in the end

"Hey Scorps!" she snaps, after being punished for missing a bit of her outfit

"Hey Doll!" he smirks playfully, waving a small piece of fabric

She feels hurt and fury rise in her heart

She snatches the fabric back and storms off before his apology can start

"Hey Scorps," she drawls frostily as they go home

"Hey Doll," he says softly, not wanting their feud to grow

Part of her agrees and longs to hold him close again

But pride, hurt, and something more has turned her against him

"Hey Doll," over dinner, he starts the greeting round

She hasn't spoken to him since the trip home and wouldn't start now

"I'm sorry I got you in trouble and ruined your dress," says he

So mournful sounding and so close to her, she sees his face riddled with sincerity

"Hey Doll," he tries again right before they go to sleep

She hesitates, still annoyed, but liking him too much to stay angry

Taking her silence, he turns away, but then hear two words more

"Hey Scorps..."

AN: Just Marcilie fluff (disclaimer, this is not based on real events, it's totally made up)

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