Tamara's Alphabet

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A was for Abuse, the thing Tamara suffered from every man she'd ever known.

B was for Boy, the thing Tamara wanted to love her but they all seemed to go.

C was for Carnival, the strange place she woke up in.

D was for Drowning, the thing Tamara did every time she was sleeping.

E was for Eager, through it all, Tamara had never given up on the hope of true love and happiness.

F was for Frog, the thing on Tamara's strange green dress.

G was for Grave, the thing Tamara slept in. It was very watery. Or was it blood?

H was for Heave-ho, the thing Tamara screamed every night in her sleep, only for it to be silenced by a flood.

I was for Insomnia, why Tamara didn't want to go to sleep.

J was for Jetty, the thing that Tamara would never reach.

K was for Knife, he said he used to have an act and now he needed a new wheel-gal.

L was for Love (or was it Lust?), Tamara couldn't really tell the difference now.

M was for Murder, Tamara's life had been taken by one of the very people who had pledged to protect her.

N was for Nightmares, Tamara called them dreams, but she knew better.

O was for Ocean, the location where most of her nightmares took place on before she was dragged under to eternal rest.

P was for Prick!, the sound of Scorpion's blade piercing her chest.

Q was for Quick. The Scorpion's blade had been very swift.

R was for Redemption, Repentance, Regret, or Revival. It didn't matter which because either way, she didn't have it.

S was for Scorpion, the boy who had asked her to trust him, only to stab her in the back (heart).

T was for Trust, the thing they asked Tamara for, yet never repaid her in even in part.

U was for Unsaved, the thing Tamara was in body and soul.

V was for Violence, the thing Tamara had endured since she was only eight years old.

W was for Waking, the only good thing that ever happened to this poor child.

X was for Xebec, the type of boat that swayed on the dark and stormy blue whose waves were wild.

Y was for Young, she was only 16 when she was sent to Hell.

Z was for Zephyear, the western wind of the sea that rocked the Xebec until into the sea Tamara fell.

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