Cora's Alphabet

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A was for Applicant/Angel-In-Training, the thing Cora became upon entering Heaven.

B was for Badge, the thing Cora wore constantly, reminding everybody was rank she was in.

C was for Closet, the place Cora had been forced to hide in, even after reaching her earthly end.

D was for Damnation, the fate that had been won by Cora's best friend.

E was for Empty, the feeling Cora got when she remembered how she'd watched June be sent to Hell.

F was for Fear, the feeling Cora got when she remembered that she could be damned someday as well.

G was for God, Cora's eternal master and king.

H was for Homosexuality, Cora's biggest personal sin.

I was for Isolated, the thing Cora felt when she realized she might be the only angel who wasn't 100% satisfied with life.

J was for June, the girl Cora had loved on Earth & Heaven despite all the strife.

K was for Kisses, the thing Cora hadn't received from June in many, many years.

L was for Love, the thing Cora was forced to feel for her God or face her greatest fears.

M was for Music, the thing Cora used to drown out the wicked voices whenever they came calling.

N was for Noose, the thing a halo became after falling.

O was for Opposition, the thing Cora felt when certain angels passed her by in the hallways.

P was for Puppet, the thing Cora had become ever since truly signing her life away to God for always.

Q was for Queen, the thing they called Cora, even though she knew it was all just a show.

R was for Requests, roaming rounds that Cora read constantly, yet nobody answered any of her own.

S was for Sinner, the thing Cora knew she still was, despite having earned salvation.

T was for Translators, the evil pair that hounded her ever since Watchword let it slip she might deserve damnation.

U was for Useless, the thing Cora felt when she knew that, in her choice, neither answer would end with a victory.

V was for Virtue, Cora was a lady of this, though she knew it was all just a story.

W was for Watchword, the man who found her out & was always watching her from the dark.

X was for Xeric, how her mouth felt before every song & how her eyes felt before every cruel remark.

Y was for Yielding, the thing Cora was forced to do when faced by a superior.

Z was for Zeal, the way Cora was supposed to worship God, her savior.

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