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"Welcome to the Palm Woods!" Kelly exclaims, as she shows the four hockey hooligans, Katie, Kendall Knights little sister, and Jennifer Knight, Kendall's Mother around the Palm Woods.

Kelly Wainwright, And Gustavo Roque, who had been gone for 3 Months searching for some new talent for Gustavo to work with.

It's not that Ashlee Had been Horrible, But it was Griffin who wanted a Pop, Rock, and a Dash Of R&B to get back into the Business.

Ms.Knight reaches over Kelly and touches the tree trunk of a Palm Tree. Her face lights up as her fingers trace the linings of the bark and she smiles.

"It's the first real Palm tree I've ever touched.."She Exclaims and They start walking again.

"Home Of the Future Famous!" Kelly smiles,

"I JUST WANT MY CHILDHOOD BACK!"A Young 8 Year old Ginger headed, Child yells, as the mother drags him along.

"Hey That's the kid from the Juice Box commercials."Logan comments as the young boy gets farther out of seeing range.

"Just Ignore That,"Kelly Laughs Nervously.

The Group Walks into the Palm Woods And Kelly Smiles,

"This is where you boys will be living for the next three months!" Kelly Starts, "The Rooms Are Nice, And The Pool."Kelly starts to explain, But as soon as the words Pool slip out of her mouth, the Boys faces light up and they're like five year olds at Christmas.

"POOL!"All Of the boys yell, before running into the Pool Lounge.

Back in Minnesota, They're weren't many pools except for Kendall's which in July, After the fourth, He goes to a Hockey Camp south of Minnesota and Only Young 10 Year old Katie uses it, Barely.

The Boys Stare in Awe Of the Medium Sized Pool, Filled with Clear water.

It was then, Kendall Was greeted with a Huge slap across the face, causing a sting and a loud sound coming from that slap.

"HOW COULD YOU?!"A Young Woman, Dressed in a dark Purple dress, a big Purple flower on one of the sleeves, Her dark Black hair, pinned back into a large bun with two curled pieces of hair, pulled out, on the side of her head.

"After Everything we had! And You cheat on me with Trish?! Trish my sworn enemy! I NEVER Want to see you again Troy! NEVER!"The Girl Yells, Running away face crying, a little over dramatically.

"Ow!"The Blond Haired Young Man exclaim, Cupping his cheek,

Kendall Knight Had list his temper at Gustavo for Insulting James, later to find out, Gustavo wanted him to come to LA with him, At first, The young Hockey Hooligan Declined, But The Next day, Logan, James and Carlos, Had agreed if They had been offered to go to LA and be in a band, They would be. And that's how they got where they are right this moment.

"You Guys Just met Camille, The Actress queen of the Palm Woods."A Voice Behind them speaks.

The Four boys whip they're heads around to find the young Ginger from Earlier pop out from a Bin.

"The Names Tyler, You may recognize me from various Juice boy commercials,"The young boy explains, "But I don't wanna be an actor, I wanna be a Kid!"He whines and the boys chuckle.

"Who else is here?"Kendall Asks, as he releases his hand from his cheek, Having a little Red mark from that Violent slap.

"That's Guitar Dude."Tyler points to a Long Haired Hippy, With a Guitar.

"What's up? What's up? What's up!"Guitar dude sings and they nod.

"And then there's lightning the thunder dog."Tyler points again, to a shaggy dog, wearing sunglasses.

The dogs wave and all of the boys nod again before speaking.

"He's Good."They all Smile And then a person catches Kendalls Eye.

A young 17 year old, wearing black sunglasses, in a white cover up, Her Hair in Dutch braids, hanging over her shoulders, A notebook in one hand, a pen in another. The white earbuds hanging from her ears, connecting to her silver IPhone in a Boston Bruins case.

The Seventeen year old reminds him a lot of Ashlee, Who the Boys Hadn't seen for almost 8 Months. They would occasionally get letters from, but no return address. The letters would contain the Usual, How she's doing, How so dearly she misses the young boys, but it would never say where she was.

"TYLER!"The Mother from earlier Yells, Snapping Kendall out of his thoughts, And Tyler's Eyes widen.

"Hide Me!"the young boy yells, as the bin cover that had fallen off, while Tyler was talking with the four boys, James quickly picks up the lid and places it on the bin, Leaning against it, Just as the mother reaches the Four young Men.

"Have you seen my son?! He's a Ginger, Cute, Adorable, Born to be a star,"The Mother starts, as the brings down her hands, a little frantically, "WE HAVE AN AUDITION!"The Mother Yells, Frantically looking for Her young son.

"He went that way."All Of the Boys speak simultaneously, pointing to the left.

The mother quickly runs off looking for her son, as soon as she's out of sight, the Boys speak again,

"She's gone."They Yet again, Say Simultaneously, Before James lifts up the lid again, Before Tyler's head pops back up.

"Hey Tyler,"Kendall starts, "Who's that over there?"Kendall Questions, as he points to the seventeen year old girl, Writing something down in the notebook.

"Ah!"Tyler Smiles as he climbs out of the bin, "That's Ashlee Scotts, The Country Music Queen Of the Palm Woods, She's also best friends with Camille. And Ashlee's really nice."Tyler explains and all of the boys eyes widen.


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