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feeling him leave kisses on my cheek every once and awhile.

"good morning birthday girl."kendall grinned, and i curled up in his embrace.

"sleep."i mumbled, and he laughed.

"mom made breakfast and i have to get to the studio."he explained, and i frowned.

"on my birthday?"i whined and he chuckled, "yes but only for a few hours."

"c'mon,"he helped me up, "let's go get some food."

"birthday girl!"carlos yelled as we walked in, wrapping me in a massive hug, and i laughed.

they all sang happy birthday to me before we all ate, and i got up once we were done, "later."

"where are you going?"logan asked, and i smiled, "back to my apartment to sleep."

"you were just asleep."Carlos points out and i shrug, "My birthday, i do what i want."

"i'll see you later than."Kendall pecks my lips, as the guys kiss my cheeks, before i leave, getting a hug from Katie and Mama Knight, before i head back to my apartment, and did as i said.

i passed back out


Kendall asked, kissing my cheek, as he hugs my waist, and i smile, turning my head, to make our lips melt together.

"I love you."He presses our heads together, and i laugh before i pressed our lips back together.

"I have to get ready if you want me at your 'get together' and so do you Mr.Knight."i kiss his lips once more, before he grins, nodding, and kiss the top of my head, murmuring see you soon, before heading out, only for Abby, Camille, and Jo to come in.

"Birthday Girl!"Camille, abby, and Jo tackle me in a hug, making me laugh.

"thanks, you guys are amazing."they release the hug, with huge grins on our faces, before we start searching my closet looking for something that Ken might like.

"Oh my god this."Abby pulls out a dress I had worn to the CMA's earlier this year when Should've said no got released, and i was asked to sing.

it was a silver, sparkling top, with a black, fading into purple long skirt, and i had some cowgirl boots that i had paired with em'

i shook my head no, laughing a bit, "that wouldn't look good just for a birthday party, but thank you though."

"what about this?"Jo pulls out a pair of ripped jeans, a maroon t-shirt with flowers, and a pair of short high heel boots.

"Oh my god... Kas bought me that." my fingers run over denim fabric, and i send Jo a soft smile, "one of the Last christmas gifts she bought me."

"What was the other one?"Camille questions softly, and i show her my song book, "This.."

"She Knew my passion for writing ran deep, and she wanted me to make something of myself, instead of having a dead end job, and have talent go to waste."I chuckle at Kassie's words as the girls smile.

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