The skype call.

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I herd screaming from downstairs, sleepily i got up and made my way downstairs.Just as i got to the bottom i herd Katie yell at Alli. "Get out! You are such a dirty hoe, we will drop you things off at Mike's and you can pick them up their. You are done living here with us!", she screamed. I walked over to her and gave her a tight squeeze, she sobbed into my shoulder for a few minutes before i spoke.

"Katie, what just happened?'', I asked.

"Well she said she stayed the night with Mike last night then they had "it". She said she had cheated on Nick with Mike to make him  jealous and she had just used him, she is currently dating both Nick and Mike. Poor Nick he is such a nice guy, i can't believe she would do that to him!", Katie cried out.

I stood there in complete horror,"OMG, I can't believe that she did that!", i screamed. 

We both cried for a good ten minutes then i left and went upstairs to my room. I sat down on my bed asking myself why would she do this? I sat up remembering i still hadn't Skyped that person. I jumped up and ran to my bathroom counter and grabbed the piece of paper with his Skype name on it and ran back to my laptop. As soon as i got logged on to Skype i searched his name and pressed the call button on Skype. It was about the end of the Skype call warning when i thought to myself, great, he told me to Skype him but yet he wont even answer! Just as i finished thinking my thought i herd a voice come from my laptop. I quickly looked down to a curly haired boy. It was Harry Styles! My mouth dropped as i seen him there, talking to me on skype. He coughed sending me out of my trance.

"Whaaa,oh, ummmm, hi...," blushing bright red as i said this.

"Hello love, sorry i ran into you yesterday, i was being chased by a mob of girls and I wasn't paying attention and i just kinda...ran into you." His smile faded as he got to the end of his sentence.

"Its okay" I said trying not to go all fan girl on him.

"Thanks", he said with a sigh of relief."Oh, Would you like to go out to lunch with me today? With the boys..." he quickly added blushing slightly.

I was completely about to fan girl on him but i kept my cool, "Um, i would love to but if i come i have to bring my friend Katie, we were supposed to go shopping today." I said trying hard not to scream to Katie.

"Of course, bring her with you as well then we can take you shopping after." He smiled cheekily.

"Okay, we will go but we can't let you pay for our cloths! You would wined up broke!" I laughed, "Anyways, where should we meet up at?", I asked.

"How about we pick you up at your house at 12?", He asked.

"Okay! Our address is 84 Lake Drive, we are on the third floor. I have to go, we will see you soon!" I smiled and blushed as the words spilled out of my mouth.

"Okay love, see you soon!" He said with a smile and wink then the chat ended.

"Katie!" I squealed at the top of my lungs.

"What?" She asked as she entered my room with a look of concern on her face.

"I just got done Skyping with Harry fricken Styles!" I squealed again.

"No way! How did u get his Skype name!" She asked, waiting for me to go on.

"Yes, way! And i got his Skype name because yesterday i got ran into by a guy running from a mob of girls, i didn't look up so he picked me up and ran into a near by Walmart to escape the fans. I still did not look at him at the time, so he pulled out a pen and paper and wrote down his Skype name. I was supposed to Skype with him last night and find out who i actually ran into but i forgot so i just Skyped him!" i screamed.

"OMG! and you didn't even call me up to tell me you were Skyping with Harry Styles!"  She said, pure hurt in her voice.

"I was going to but i didn't want to sound like a fan girl and my choice paid off, Harry asked me if i would go out to lunch with him and the boys and i said yes as long as i could bring my friend Katie, and they said yes!"  I screamed once more.

Her eyes went wide with awhh. "YOUR JOKING", She yelled, "What time do we meet them!"

"They said they would pick us up here, and they said 12", I replied. I looked at the clock, it was already 11:15! "Katie! We only have 45 minutes until they get here!" I shouted. With that being said, Katie ran to her room to get ready and i ran to my bathroom to take a quick shower. I stripped in record time jumping into the shower and waiting for the warm water to kiss my face. Once i finished in the shower, i wrapped a towel around me and headed out to my room. I scanned my wardrobe for something to wear and finally decided on a lose fitting tank top and some short jean shorts. I got dressed then headed to the bathroom to do my hair. I straightened it, because if not, my hair will become a complete Afro! Once i finished i applied a little bit of make-up. I looked at the clock it was 11:52. The boys would be here any minute. I rushed down stairs and just as i got to the last step i saw that the boys were already here sitting on the couch talking to Katie. I slipped on my flip flops and gave a light cough to let them know i was ready. They all turned there heads to look at me and all got up and went to the door. Me and Katie were the last one out. We gave each other a high five then followed behind the guys.

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