Your So Diffrent..

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--------------------------------------------------------------Next Day--------------------------------------------------------

The doctor explained to us that Delilah was at a fragile state right now and would most likely fall in and out of a coma. He also said that she should be ready for surgery within a few days.

Liam's Pov:

I felt bad for Harry, but at the same time I completely hated him. He fancies Delilah yet he hurts her. She wouln't go out and get drunk then "do" other guys even if she was single! It just wasn't her. Harry seemed to act different around her. It wasn't his normal 'Date-and-Pass'. He seemed to be really upset with himself which made me worried. I guess i better go talk to him....

Harry's Pov:

I sat down outside the hospital on the wooded bench. I sat there and cried. I've messed up big time and i can't fix it, she will never forgive me. I felt different with her. All the other girls i've dated felt the same, but Delilah, she was different and i knew she was the one i wanted. But how could I get---. My thoughts we interrupted by Liam. He walk over to me and sat down beside me. 

"Hey hazza."


"I know your upset, but you have to look at it in her point of view. She had just got out of a coma and she finds out that you went out and "did" another girl. Hazza, that has to hurt."

"I know, i made a big mistake and i feel terrible about it, if it makes it any better, the girl i "did" was dead ugly....."

Liam laughed. "Now Hazza, That is not nice and it dosen't make things better, nor worse......but i have to admit....That's pretty funny."

Harry cracked a slight smile.

"You like her Harry, don't you."

Harry looked at Liam with a confused expression. "Well yeah i like her..."

"No, Harry, I mean, she's not like your old girl friends, She makes you feel different, dosen't she?"

"Umm.. Yeah, i do feel like she is the one.. but i ruined my chance and now she will never forgive me." Harry's voice cracked.

"Harry, I'm sure she will forgive you, just give her time." Liam said as he stood up. "Well I'm heading back to see if she's up yet, You coming?"

"Yeah" Harry said as he stood up and followed me to her room.

Delilah's Pov:

I've been up now for a little bit. I just kind of sat there thinking. I was kinda rough on Harry yesterday...but he cheated on me, he deserved it! But then again, he was drunk and didn't know what he was doing and he was probably over whelmed with stress as well. The more i thought about yesterday, the more i regretted it. I miss his voice, his touch, his curly brown hair. I miss him, i really do.

Liam and Harry entered a few minutes later.

"The boys went out to get some food", Liam told me.

"Why didn't you guys go?"

Harry glanced at Liam, as if trying to figure the answer himself.

"We weren't really that hungry" Liam lied.


"Yeah, Doctor said that you will be having the surgery in two days, and after that, if everything goes right, you will be out of here in two weeks." Liam said with a smile.

"Good. I'm getting tired of laying in this hospital bed" I complained as i tried to re adjust myself on the bed forgetting i had been stabbed with a pen. Pain shot through my body as i tried to sit up. I let out a scream of pain and a tear fell down my cheek.

"Are you okay!" Harry yelled looking more worried then ever.

"Yeah, i just forgot about the pen and i guess i moved to quick" i said taking a quick glance at his green eyes then looking away quickly.

"You sure?" Harry said, still sounding very worried.

"Yeah, thanks" i said with a small smile.

Harry just let out a sigh of relief and smiled at me.

--------------------------------------------------------2 days later----------------------------------------------------

It was time for me to have the surgery on the puncture from the pen. The doctor told us it should be about a 5 hour surgery. I was very scared.  I've never had surgery so this was a first. The doctor told the boys that one could come with me for the surgery, and of course, they chose Harry. Harry held my hand tightly like if he were to let go i would be lost forever when the were giving me some gas that would knock me out. I drifted quickly into a dream of fog. The last thing i remember is Harry kissing me on the lips once softly and whimpering in my ear, "I'm so sorry."


Since no seems to like this book i think I'm gonna stop writing this one and start a new one because no one is commenting on it. It makes me sad:( oh well, thanks to the people who actually read my book:3 Love you guys! xx

If you really want me to continue writing i need at least 5 comments below telling me to keep writing, from different accounts.

Well bye guys and gals! <3 You!:D

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