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"You guys are home early." Zayn said, raising his brow.


"Oh, that sucks" Zayn murmured.

"Yeah well me and Delilah are going to head to bed early tonight. Night Niall! Night Liam! Night boobear! Night Olivia! Night Katie! Night Zayn."

Each of the boys replied with a good night along with the girls. Harry held Delilah's hand and lead her upstairs.

Katie's Pov:

I herd the upstairs door close after Harry and Delilah went up there. Its been such a long time since all of us have done something together. Tomorrow we should all go to the beach and just hang out. I could wear my new light green bikini top with white polka-dots and white bottoms with the light green polka dots. Olivia would probably end up wearing her new black and white stripped bikini while Delilah would most likely wear her rainbow bikini. Obviously the boys would just wear one of there many swim trunks. Unless Harry trys to wear his red spedo again... Oh god i always try to keep that memory of Harry going to the beach with us for the first time while wearing a spedo out of my head. Having the memory flood my mind made me feel sick.

Niall's Pov:

I looked at Katie and noticed she had her eyes wandering the room and was biting her lower lip. She always does that when she is deep in thought. She stayed like that for a few moments then her face went a light green color like she was going to puke.

"Katie? Are you feeling okay? You look sick." Niall said nervously.

"Hmm? Oh, Yeah, I'm fine, i was just thinking maybe we could all go to the beach tomorrow and hang out, and then the memory of Harry wearing a spedo flashed in my head and i about puked." Katie laughed.

Everyone burst out laughing.

"Anyways, That sounds like a brilliant idea, love!" Liam smiled.

"Yes it does, How about we leave at like 11 tomorrow?" Niall added.

Okay's floated around the room.

"Alright well I'm going to bed if were getting up that early" Zayn said, walking to his room.

"Yeah, Katie and I are going to bed to." Niall said smiling at Katie as they walked to there room.

"I might as well to." Olivia said, jumping off the couch.

"I'll be in there soon" Liam said, giving Olivia a wink.

"Okay!" Olivia chimed, as she climbed the stairs to her room.

Liam's Pov;

I still feel bad about taking his Lo's girl. I think he is still mad about it to. He hasn't been acting like himself latley. I need to talk to him...

"Louis, I'm really sorry that i took Olivia away from you. It's just that i couldn't control myself and I'm so sorr-"

"Don't worry about it Liam, I forgive you. I understand. Anyways i found this new girl i think i like."

"Oh. What's her name?"

"Layla" Louis smiled at the mention of her name.

"When do we get to meet this young lady? Speaking of young, how old is she?"

"I don't know and she's 20"

"Okay, Lou, I'm heading to bed, gotta get up early tomorrow." Liam said raising himself of the love seat.

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